Sunday, March 18

Sweaty and Note, Sitting in a Tree, L_Y_Y_I_I_N_G!

Thanks for the Wikipedia copy and paste definition of the word bigot. That is great. Doesn't quite address the reasons you are obsessing over bigotry in relation to me. Rather than answering the question by posting another juvenile rhetorical question. I ask again, why are you smearing me with the term bigot? Step away from the mirror and your photo album and see if you still want to falsely claim I am a bigot. Maybe the urge to generate self-loathing lies and empty responses will subside if all images of yourself are removed from your field of view. Come on Donna, you can be truthful. Your not on the stand or anything so why not try working with the truth.

Worth a try?


Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Pickle-sweat. The word is "kudos". You can find such fancy words in a book called the "dictionary". Whoops, I forgot you mindless lemmings do have a dictionary. How many of you TuWongians did it take to look up the word "bigot" to find out what it meant?

8:27 PM  

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