Saturday, September 1

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Trends in Lies

Hello everyone. We are here to point out the latest trends in Overland lies, half-truths and misstatements. This week's trend goes to those who want to blame MBC (and MBC alone) for their personal property tax rates.

Enough with blaming MBC for Overland's personal property tax rates! The council vote went down 5-2, so she was just one of five in that arena. In reality, we the voters of Overland have voted what the maximum levy rate will be. (Something about "when you point a finger, three more are pointing back at you" seems fitting here.) The council cannot work outside those parameters that the voters have put in place.
If you are going to blame MBC for the personal property tax rates then you must also credit her for lowering of the levy for real property. You really can't have it both ways.
It's almost reminiscent of ORTian logic. Then again, some of these folks have bitten from the poison apple of Schneider promises. Speaking of which, why are they not blaming Schneider for this? After all, it was one of the first things passed during his administration?

What's in a Name?

Am I the only one who sees the irony in someone who uses the handle "uareidiots" that then goes to spout off the biggest batch of BS in recent OVCC history? Excerpts from his comments:

uareidiots said...
Conlon certainly showed her true colors. Conlon fought for that tax increase which we all know is only going to benefit the school district and probably not even them much. ...Goodbyecc I agree with you 100 percent, but I am not a good public speaker, but I will certainly applaud you.

1) Many others have already pointed out that Overland tax rates has little-to-nothing to do with the either the Ritenour or University City School Districts.

2) You quote Goodbyecc who we have also proven he/she is full of crap with their $380 increase claim. (The difference for mine is $2.32, so pardon me if I don't buy that $380 figure.)

3) You are not only not a good public speaker but a BS writer. Don't come here with lies, half-truths and mis-statements. You may think we are idiots, but that is just your reflection in the mirror.

Tuesday, August 28

How far up Schneider's butt is Tim Jones?

Here is the ad being discussed, since I know some will not receive their Localite until later in the week.

Keep commenting.

Monday, August 27

"Special" meeting tonight

I would post the link to the agenda, but the city did not post it on the website. (Wasn't part of the Sunshine Law case against Purzner that the city was ordered to post agendas of all city council meetings on the website?)

Doesn't seem like much is planned, but that is usually when the "sneak in" stuff. So, be there or be watching it on cable on Thursday.

Friday, August 24

Owensby Consistently Proves That He is an Idiot

A little bored last night and, once again, turned on the ever entertaining Overland City Council Meeting on Channel 18. I must say that Owensby is consistent. Consistent on harassing the police chief, showing his idiocy as well as showing his ass.

First on showing his idiocy. When the bill regarding the investment policy is brought up, Owesby chimes in that he will vote against this because he feels that investing in the stock market is too risky.
He is told that investing in the stock market is not allowed in this investment policy.
Owensby provides "stats" on stock market performance.
He is told that the city will invest in things like US T-Notes and T-Bills.
Owensby talks about his Scudder Mutual Fund that lost money this year and says he doesn't want the city risking their money.
Umm...again, no mutual funds.
T-Bills and T-Notes are about the safest investment there is out there. The only risk is that you have tied yourself to an interest rate when interest rates might rise. Then again, you lock in an interest rates when they might lower. However, never in the 225+ years of the US Government have they not paid back the principle on their debt.
Nevermind that all of this was addressed in the workshop meetings, too.

Next on harassing the police chief. He once again asks about an ongoing investigation, the chief AGAIN answers that it is an ongoing investigation on which he is not going to comment in an open meeting. Owenby presses on but then, out of nowhere, jumps to Jennings having cameras. If one wasn't suffering from whiplash from the suddent change of topics, one would wonder what was Owensby's point. The chief explains that he has seen the article, however he has not been budgetted any monies for such cameras and that cameras have never been discussed by the council (as far as purchasing).
Owensby then says there is money in the Capital Improvement accounts. The chief asks (at the same time I am thinking it) if he is being given a blank check to spend money. Owensby then accuses the chief of being fiscally irresponsible.

It all comes down to Owensby showing his ass. He will claim this is "fighting for the people", but when you make statements that show your complete and utter ignorance you only leave the people wondering why they voted for such a schmuck.

I really can't decide if Owensby has early onset dimentia (since he seems to forget every explanation provided from meeting-to-meeting) or if his just simply an asshole (for lack of a better word).

And don't scream "he is responsive to the citizens". I put that to the test this week. I phoned him on Monday to see how long it would take for him to get back with me. It's Friday afternoon and I am still waiting.

Impeach Owensby!!!!

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Wednesday, August 22

Town Hall Meetings and Workshops

In the last post, someone commented that Schneider was wanting the following schedule for city meetings.

1st Monday Town Hall Meeting

2nd Monday Regular Scheduled City Council Meeting

3rd Monday Workshop Meeting

4th Monday Regular Scheduled City Council Meeting

What is the purpose of the Town Hall Meeting? Don't we already have time allotted to address our elected officials during the regularly scheduled city council meeting? Perhaps Schneider wishes to eliminate citizens' comments and defer them to the Town Hall Meeting.

I also thought that the purpose of Workshop Meetings was to hash out and debate the pros and cons of various bills, so that the actual city council meeting runs more smoothly. If you only "workshop" once, will everything for the next TWO meetings be brought out in ONE workshop?

This is concerning only because of events at the last meeting. Two bills seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Now if Paul and Stuckey were still on the board, these would have passed and we would later ask what they were about and received an "I don't know." Wisely, the council moved to table the bills to be discussed at a workshop. I just see more of these shenanigans if we only have one "workshop" for every other council meeting. Regardless of how good a bill may (or may not) be, this is just a waste of everyone's time.

Likewise, if citizens comments are being eliminated in favor of a Town Hall Meeting. We may be unable to comment if we do not know exactly what issues will be addressed in the following weeks.

That said, I am open to any means of truly listening to the citizens and getting their valid input. Though, with Schneider, I doubt that this is actually the case.

Tuesday, August 21

Please note City Council Special Meeting on Monday

August 27
A day that will live in infamy.
The city of Overland was suddenly and deliberately taken back 30 years.

Okay, enough hyperbole.

Just a reminder that there is a special council meeting on Monday. The primary objective is to set the tax rates, (yawn) which is done every August. (We couldn't do that at the 8/13 meeting?)

Also scheduled is the induction and reception for Mike Schneider (double yawn).

The only thing that might be exciting is to come and see if he has the chutzpah to nominate Les Dills to fill the open Ward 4 seat. (Personally, I am in favor of More Dills *wink*.)

Friday, August 17

A Few More Questions After Watching the 8/13 Meeting?

Watched a bit of the video on Sailor's blog and then saw more on Channel 18 last night. This left me with a few more questions:

1) Why is Owensby doing his best impression of Boomhauer from King of the Hill?

2) During the "dog ordinance," why didn't anyone bring up practical things like mail, UPS, FedEx deliveries that cannot happen if a dog is loose in the front yard?

3) If Herman didn't know anything about the pension bills in advance, who did?

4) Who did bring these bill for consideration?

5) For that matter, who is allowed to bring bills for consideration? Is it just limited to elected and appointed officials? City employees, too? Or, could every day SuzyCitizen like me bring a bill?

6) Jim Schmidt had a valid point during citizens comments about e-mail addys. This is 2007 and the fact that we are so behind the curve on something like this is outrageous. The thing is that if someone had an e-mail addy like, this could carry on to future office holders (and thus be easier for the citizens). Why isn't this being done?

7) And to tie two of my quesitons together, why can't we have copies of the bills/proposed ordinances posted online at the same time as the agenda? That isn't rocket science. They obviously have a PDF distiller, so the move to this shouldn't be too hard. We can easily track bills in Jeff City and should have the same opportunity on the local level.