Tuesday, August 28

How far up Schneider's butt is Tim Jones?

Here is the ad being discussed, since I know some will not receive their Localite until later in the week.

Keep commenting.


Blogger Say It Ain't So said...

Oh what a goof. Like why would the council really give a shit what Tim Jones thinks at all? He is the light weight on the council. Gravy the patronage train keeps on rolling. The Public Works was forced to hire a dim wit let go by the PD and now is serving at the pleasure of the old boys in Public Works. I actually feel sorry for Charlie Boone from what I am told this this gal is an obnoxious blithering idiot.

11:47 AM  
Blogger All COGGed Up said...

She is also a member of COGG. I heard at a COGG event the City Treasuer is the one who influenced Boone into hiring her. The City Treasurer you know the crony of Munsch, Dody and now Schneider who formed COGG is is influencing who the city hires? Give me a break. I thought people were hired because they are the most qualified but not in Overland. People are hired based on who you voted for and how. Oh well somethings are just so sweet they stink. I also heard that a black woman was let go and then this lady was hired convienient hey?

12:03 PM  
Blogger All COGGed Up said...

Correction she was the assistant treasurer/secretary of COGG

12:04 PM  
Blogger PTT said...

Mike Schneider wouldn't know a resume if his name was on it. Much like many self-proclaimed businessmen in America, merit has little place in their personnel decisions. It is rather ironic that people like Mike wax poetically about being a free market entrepreneur pulling themselves up by their bra straps and earning their keep based on their merit all the while bathing in crony-ism, patronage, port and spoils.

It is probably better that Mike keeps his attention focused on insulating as many COGG members from meritocracy and affixing their lips onto the publics' well worn teat.

12:47 PM  
Blogger goodbyecc said...

I am enraged, How dare you Conlon raise my personal property taxes? I just called the dept of revenue. This will cost me an addl $380.00 next December you evil witch. Resign from the council immediately you sore loser and take that thing with the big glasses with you! Rest assured I'll be at the next meeting for residents comments.

1:10 PM  
Blogger PTT said...


I know you are new to government and do not have much experience in public shilling, but let us start addressing a few things now. It is never too late to learn.

"I believe this is also a
victory for the city of Overland."

City of Overland is a proper noun thus warranting capitalization. See any of the City signs and you will quickly notice that we live in the City of Overland.

Tim, the election occurred nearly three weeks ago. First to congratulate, I think not because I know Buck Collier has congratulated Schneider several times. In order to be the first one to congratulate Schneider on his victory next time, you may want to plan on doing it on election night rather than in paper three weeks later.

Respectable? Honest leadership? Tim, come-on man. You voted for the pension change without debate, you would be correct in your acknowledgment of being part of the solution.

And in classic COGG/Schneider/Jones fashion, you never acknowledge or define what problems you are referring to when offering a vacuous hypothetical solution.

Yeah Tim, I guess you hit the nail on the head in quoting Abraham Lincoln but I certainly worry you are planning a similar 19th century Lincoln-esques solution to your "house divided" problem. Abe unified the country by killing the opposition.

Keep shilling, Owensby is appearing more intelligent by the day.

1:14 PM  
Blogger PTT said...

Oh NO There is going to be trouble at next meeting. Another lunatic spouting off during citizens comments. Say it isn't so. I think I will leave town. Poster protection program.

1:16 PM  
Blogger ORT Contrarian said...

Yes, goodbye.

MBC alone raised your taxes. She has so much power as one of 7 council members that she can do such.

Please note that the levy was voted on by the people and is now being enforced by a majority of the council.

You must have some whopping personal property if it means a $300+ increase for you. At 2 cents per hundred dollars that would mean, $15000 valuation of personal property.

We all know that the valuation (what you are taxed on) is about 10% of its actual worth. Thus, you own $150,000 in cars, boats, etc but are complaining about paying your fair share of services?

Give me a break!

1:30 PM  
Blogger ORT Contrarian said...

Sorry folks. I can't calculate, type and think at the same time in this heat.

Personal property is valued at approx 33% of actual value.

Still, if you taxes were increased by $380 then you have $57575.75 in cars, boats, etc. See other comment.

1:51 PM  
Blogger John Moyle said...

Don't forget, though they set the personal property tax rate marginally higher (to the level allowed) instead of voluntarily reducing it as they have in the past they voluntarily reduced the residential and commercial property taxes at the same time. That savings would need to be taken into account as well.

Another issue to consider is that most revenues generated (which are not much) from personal property taxes come from commercial interests. Store fixtures, computers, etc are all taxable under commercial personal property taxes. I imagine it is possible goodbyecc is the owner of a business large enough to have such a large amount of taxable personal property. However, I would think someone running such a sizable business would have the sense to realize one Council person cannot put any policy, ordinance, tax levy, etc. in effect on there own.

3:03 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

goodbyecc, here's a remedial math lesson for you:

In order to owe $380 based on $0.022 per $100 assessed value,

$380 / 0.022 * 100 =

$1,727,273.00 !!!!!

If you own this much personal property, what the fuck are you doing living in Overland?

3:16 PM  
Blogger John Moyle said...

I just thought of something that might be the cause of some confusion here.

If someone looks at this increase it is basically a 30% increase to personal property taxes. However, that is only the municipal portion (a very small one) of our overall Personal Property tax bill.

However, if someone is out there telling people that the city raised their personal property taxes by 30% it is likely most people would think of this in terms of their entire PP tax bill and not just the City's portion.

Be it an innocent mistake or deliberate disinformation it is easy to see how people could confuse this issue.

3:28 PM  
Blogger ORT Contrarian said...

I still didn't get the math right. But you got my point!
Thanks for the calculations.

4:54 PM  
Blogger ghostbuster said...

Mike Schneider is the mayor.

You "smart" people could do well capitalizing on your IQ, and not as I, putting folks down.( a dirty job but someone.......

I enjoy it so, but your were blessed.

I happen to know Mike, like Mike,and find him a decent all around guy.

I did not vote for him, but find little fault with people that did.

I also am cognizant of the many negatives brought forth forcibly by posters here.

He is however the first mayor of Overland in a long time,(fill in the blank) your guess how long, qualified for the job.

Give it a break, add something instead of subtracting to the equation.

10:48 PM  
Blogger ghostbuster said...

Mike is not, an Owensby, a Purzner, or even a Dody.

The first two certified dumb shits, the last one OK for a white old guy, but the verdict incomplete, although not dumb.

Mike will protect the investments of the "old" Overland crowd, but that basically includes us.

Mark Brown, Chuck Kareem, are protecting the investments of themselves, and screw us......

Owensby in his own stupid way working for that, not smart enough to do a lot, and Keller must know it but hasn't come to terms with it...is assisting...

The past political situation has a total pull, and input into the present.

I have mixed and not complete knowledge about Frank Munsch.

If anyone believes for a minute he doesn't weld power-influence here, they better look again... It happened last night, when he decided to give a pep talk to losers like Owensby.

If MBC was mayor I don't know who would have the big stick.

Am I paying attention, you bet s is anyone here with exception Overland Sailor, I don't know...........but I would like to fill him on the history and how we become to elect these current batch of Owensby idiots.

11:23 PM  
Blogger suzyjax said...

Please advise how Mike is qualified to be mayor? He hasn't lived here for 20 years so he can't bring historical knowledge.

No one is quite sure what he does on his job, though he implies that he owns the place.

He has been on the city council for just over a year, a year that was marked by turmoil, a year where he sat there and did not give voice for "good government".

Exactly what in that makes him more qualified than say you or I to be mayor.

He is mayor because the old guard saw that he was malleable and backed him with all their might.

Overland should just replace the covered wagon with a gravy train.

5:33 AM  
Blogger PTT said...

Give it a break?

I would like to give it a break. The moment Schneider starts using merit and competence in a codified personnel policy and stops the reliance on patronage, I will give him a break.

The moment Schneider returns the unethical and illegal $5,000 in-kind campaign contribution from the Chairman of Zoning and Planning Commission, I will then see him as an ethical businessman.

The moment Schneider actually divulges a coherent good-faith economic policy, I will give him break. By arguing that TIF financing increases tax revenues to the City, he demonstrated gross incompetence or complete dishonesty in regard to the policy space.

Demonstrate policy competence, I will give him a break.

The moment Schneider stops promising pork projects that he has no intention of backing, I'll give him a break.

You see, I am not the Mayor, do not hold elected office nor represent constituents. I do not have the ability to force ethical governance through my words. I do not have the ability to force competence through my words. I don't care if Mike is a nice guy. I care that Mike transform himself into a Mayor that acted on sound policy analysis rather than on Phil Paul's latest misogynistic opinion.

And I dislike people who free-ride off America while wrapping themselves in the flag as well as people who exaggerate their personal accomplishments.

6:45 AM  
Blogger New Girl in Town said...

There are a lot of nice guys running around Overland but that does not qualify them to be a mayor. Mike has shown himself as a cheater on our tax system and a double talking salesman. He tells people what they want to hear and does not deliver the goods people ordered. The old switch a roonie. He suckered ward 3 people with the free trash bullshit and they took the bait hook line and sinker. Now aint that a surprise.

7:18 AM  
Blogger ORT Contrarian said...

I don't think Schneider is more qualified than Dody was when he was elected. I just hope he chooses the right path when it comes to truly moving Overland forward starting first with the CA position.

9:47 AM  
Blogger PTT said...

These are the people in Sweaty Pickle's neighborhood. Her old ORT buddy and Mark Brown confidant Eric Tolens back in the news.

Former prosecutor accused of child sex drops civil suits
By William C. Lhotka
Wednesday, Aug. 29 2007

ST. LOUIS COUNTY — Eric Tolen, a onetime federal prosecutor now accused of having sex with underage boys, has dropped civil suits against police and prosecutors, at least temporarily.

Tolen told St. Louis County Circuit Judge Melvyn W. Wiesman on Tuesday morning that he was involuntarily and unwillingly dismissing the suits — one accusing police and prosecutors of slander, the other demanding return of computers, cash and gold coins seized in a raid in April of his home in Town and Country.

Tolen said his latest incarceration, on a charge of tampering with one of the
teens in his statutory sodomy case, prevented him from responding fully to efforts by attorneys for police and prosecutors to get the civil cases thrown

A bond hearing on the tampering charge is scheduled for Sept. 6. If he makes bond, Tolen said, he would consider refiling the civil cases.

Tolen, 46, was charged with 18 counts of sodomy. The grand jury alleged he had sex with two teenage boys at his home between June 2004 and April 2007.

Tolen was out on bond and wearing an electronic monitor when he was arrested Aug. 7 and charged the next day with forcing one of the alleged victims to write a retraction statement.

Tolen, a former federal prosecutor, has practiced law in Overland. He has represented the former mayor of Overland and council members in St. Charles. An appellate court recently upheld a ruling barring Tolen from collecting legal
fees from St. Charles that Tolen claimed he was owed for his work.

10:40 AM  
Blogger All COGGed Up said...

Ghostbuster please elaborate more on the Frank Munsch Pep Talk to Owensby. Where did it occur? Who was there? Etc.

11:40 AM  
Blogger All COGGed Up said...

Ghostbuster, I know Conlon she would have been the one with the stick that is why the establishment fought so hard to defeat her which is our loss. Conlon can think for herself, makes good decisions and doesn't suffer fools gladly and she's over it.

11:43 AM  
Blogger onelayer said...

Let's face it, Schneider is our mayor for the next 2 yrs or so.

Good news is, that because of the internet & these blogs not much can get by the people now. How I wish this was around with the previous mayors (& council) starting with Doby on back.

Schneider will not be able to take a step without it being put out for everyone to see.

Even though Overland is not a city of 300, it has become much smaller do to the net, right or wrong.

Whether you like it or not he (& the council) will be held accountable for everything he does or does not do.

A lot can happen & change in 2 yrs.

2:40 PM  
Blogger onelayer said...

Sorry Dody, not Doby guess I was thinking of Gilles

2:41 PM  
Blogger uareidiots said...

I am glad Schneider won. I was at Mondays meeting. Conlon certainly showed her true colors. Conlon fought for that tax increase which we all know is only going to benefit the school district and probably not even them much. I guess this is her punishment because she didn't win. Well she won't even get a council seat next time she runs, if Ward 2 for once can come up with a decent candidate to run we can get rid of doofus O'connell and her. Only problem we're stuck with her for another year and a half. What is her plan? It certainly isn't us the people. Goodbyecc I agree with you 100 percent, but I am not a good public speaker, but I will certainly applaud you.

8:27 PM  
Blogger pete said...

How does school district benefit? Are they not their own taxing entity?

9:30 PM  
Blogger PTT said...

Magic, that's how Pete, Magic.....


10:17 PM  
Blogger PTT said...

Ads in Localite are nice for marketing but are little more.

If Schneider wants to appeal to opposition that is easy, end patronage completely and give back illegal $5,000.00 in-kind campaign contribution.

10:22 PM  
Blogger suzyjax said...

In case it was mentioned, I did put the Schneider ad online. (Sometimes that girl scout training of "be prepared" comes in handy!)

Schneider ad

11:26 PM  
Blogger John Moyle said...

First, the only effect that "increase" has is on the small municipal portion of our personal property tax bills. as I explained at The Overland Examiner, this will cost the typical household in Overland 1.00 to 2.00 dollars a year.

Second, when you add in the accompanying reductions to the municipal portion of our real property taxes, this will save the average homeowner in Overland 3.00 to 4.00 dollars a year.

This change has no effect on the School district portion or any other portion of those taxes as the City of Overland has no control over anything but their small portion of those tax bills.

Personally, I will gladly support any tax "increase" that reduces my overall tax expenses.

OK, I'll bite. email me and we can work out when and where to get together to discuss the history you refer to.

3:41 AM  
Blogger ghostbuster said...

First of all, gravy train, I had to break out my Funk n. Wagnall to comprehend your statement.

I do understand your complaints, disagreements, and exceptions to Tupperware=Mike now.

I can't disagree, because I don't know the big words you do, but I can reiterate, I think we, you, me, Suez, and everyone else should work with this guy until he proves we can=not.

He is not an idiot, that's what I was trying to convey.....

Can I speak for his policies, his truthfulness, his honesty, his patronage>...Hell no...

Overland Sailor, my hero, get back to you later, you have it right, don't worry about it....

7:47 PM  
Blogger ghostbuster said...

Also, Mr. Gravey, I listen to you station, and I hear Rush Limbaugh shit.

I haven't heard you, but I believe you are smart.

Please enlighten me what side of the spectrum are you.

7:50 PM  
Blogger ghostbuster said...

A propper noun?, Gravey you are pissing me off,....and I'm sure you don't care....

You actually want to impress people , or do you think anyone give's a shit?

You have it right, you got your facts right, you convey morality in government, but I don't give a fuck about a proper noun, or well I ever, or does it have anything to do with govenment....or morality.

It has to do with you were a good student somewhere, paid attention, and read and write English well.

It don't impress the common man!

Does it translate you have your life together? Does it translate you know squat?

Hell fuckin no!

It means you are educated and follow the rules of rudimentary English.

I would love to debate you also about any fucking thing.....

I am a high school drop out and getting more proud of it every day!

The idiots on the other site have one thing right, I love to argue...

8:04 PM  
Blogger ghostbuster said...

Frank Munsch apparently had conversation with Kenny the gun runner, concerning his (Franks) money, and Owensby future this last week.

Money talks, and bullshit walks..
Frank has the money.....and Kenny we know is the epitome of Bull shit, and over and above has illusions of grandeur.

My feelings about Owensby: I want to slap him, I don't know why, I just do. I am not a violent person!

I don't even want to hit him, just bitch slap the little lying poor excuse for a human.

I do NOT go out of my way to hear these latest rumors, bullshit, or lies told about the "fathers and mothers" of our fair city.

I have been here so long, they automatically flow down hill to me.

Ya want a date? Tell me it didn't happen, and I will research this particular rumor personally.

New subject:

They're are a lot of "nice guys'
I didn't say that makes them mayor material, ....pay attention....

Mike is the mayor......I have never, seen any indication he is not a nice guy....is he mayoral?
Is he honest? Are they related? Can we expect that anymore? Is anyone honest straighforward, were they ever?

Give your shit a break and find out....

I am NOT defending him, I Did not vote for him, he knows that....and still has conversation with me....

(what a guy, right?)

Also Gravy, I been going to the diner for more years that you were born, and in fact have live sperm older than you, but I am impressed that you know a verb, a noun, and congregate well.

Is your head on straight? You are impressively smart, an apparently, educated man.

Or, maybe you were raised in an atmophere where every one spoke English pefect.

My Old man, went to 5th grade worked for GM 43 years, and said "aint got no" more often than not.

You know what Bucko, he was smarter, quicker, and had more common sense that a web site full of all of you.

More importanly, he had morals, decency, and was a straight shooter and a upright honest man.

If I could only do as good.

You my cyber freind are not!

Is your heart right?

That is more important than any comeback with the big fucking words that you utilize and probably even comprehend the meaning of.

Use your big words, your vocabulary for something useful.

I assume, correct me, I sure you will. that you are a right wing Republican, and that really pisses me off.

I would rather have a sister in whore house than a brother a Republican.

Just my personal opinion, not to be taken too seriously except if you want to hang with me.

I doubt that happening....

If you are happy with yourself, so am I though.

Life is GOOD!

Have a nice day.

9:14 PM  
Blogger PTT said...


Your father sounds like a very charming person.

You say that you have sperm older than me? Dude, you ought to seek some relief for that unless you are housing your sperm in some sort of jar, refrigerator or own a sperm bank. That doesn't sound very hygienic. I used to collect beer bottles.

My grade point average was 2.2 when graduating from high school. You are correct, strong linguistic skills are necessary but not sufficient conditions in determining the content of a persons knowledge. But I hope you see from the above statement, they are certainly necessary.

You will be glad to know that I do use my linguistic skills for good purpose. I speak and correspond with people everyday which sometimes results in the ability to make-a-living. Does that translate into having one's life together?

You would love to debate me about anything. Well ok, I am not a sadist but if you insist.

I hold no malice towards you or your comments. America has a rich cultural tradition in hating its intellectuals for existing and I believe you are working in that tradition.

I am working with Mr. Schneider by explicitly telling him two very specific acts that would win my support.

You may be confusing me with radio personality Crane Durham but more than likely pulling my chain. To be clear, I am Gravy Crane Durham. The difference is subtle but certainly identifiable.

I was responding to a question about Mike Schneider as Mayor, but you bring a few personal issues with me to the discussion which I will answer for you.

First, do I know your sister from somewhere? It may have been at a Lincoln Days event if that helps.

Was it the word "misogynistic" that set you off? Yeah, that word is rather under-appreciated in Overland.

What side of the spectrum do I hale? I have never voted Republican but if you want to call me a Republican I will take it. I have been called worse.

I never thought knowing to capitalize proper nouns such as the names of people and places would be something to impress people. Maybe I am being a little hard on the beaver, but I don't see expecting your Alderman to properly refer to the community he represents as being an onerous standard.

Hold that thought Ghostbuster. I need to spend a few moments making some money this morning but will be back to you.

7:08 AM  
Blogger Tom said...

Flying under the radar is where I prefer to be. The Munsch Pep talk was probably more like the plea for voting for Les Dills.

Frank's making promises to Kenny for his and Keller's vote for Les. Plain and simple, Schneider's knows Les is DOA so he called his go to boy Frank Munsch for persuasion.

Now Kenny could have agreed to a deal based on Franks pitch or his belief/assurance that Frank is going to help him .

I think Kenny knows the wagons and vultures are circling him. You suppose Kenny will let bygones be bygones and appoint the guy who protested Ann every single day?

Or do you think Kenny and Keller think ward 4 deserves exactly what ward 3 had for a year? No representation.

My suspicion if Kenny follows the advise of Frank he'll be squealing like Ned Beaty in the movie Deliverance.

Kenny is COGG's only target in April. Will he turn the other cheek and appoint Les or will he continue to show Ward 3 that he is/has and always will fighting for the residents of his ward.

It all depends if Kenny realizes he's being played like a fiddle.

6:31 PM  
Blogger suzyjax said...

Good observations, Under Radar. My only question is:

Kenny will talk to Frank Munsch but he stil hasn't returned my call?

Political hack he is! Owensby deserves any reaming that he receives.

3:55 AM  
Blogger suzyjax said...

Sailor wrote:
"Overland Sailor said...
I just thought of something that might be the cause of some confusion here.

If someone looks at this increase it is basically a 30% increase to personal property taxes. However, that is only the municipal portion (a very small one) of our overall Personal Property tax bill. "

Exactly! The Overland portion is only about 2.5% of personal property taxes. When you add to the fact that usually your pers property VALUATION goes down (unless you buy a new car), this will hardly be noticable.

11:48 AM  
Blogger ghostbuster said...

You Mr. Gravy Train are right again. I hate it when that happens.

I had you confused with radio personality Durham.

I had drank beer that evening at the American Legion hall so forgive my intrusion into your creative and brilliant thought process.

I was drinking with people I am truly in awe and have great respect for.

The hops, barley concoction that flows freely there brought out my simple Overland Hoosier psyche, and in my befuddled old mind, you struck me as one of them there uppity fancy pseudo-smart bullshitters self absorbed human beings.

You may well agree that smart is something you are born with, and education, rearing, environment, can nurture it and develop,, just as cultivation with a flower, but you either have it, or you don’t!

"America has a rich cultural tradition in hating its intellectuals"? Are you including yourself in this intellectual part of America, and is that why you believe you are not popular?

You could pass yourself off as intellectual possibly. You are also arrogant, snobbish, and awe in of yourself,. Much more that probably your reading public. You speak down to people, even people obviously with intellect and articulation skills matching the considerable ones, you were blessed with..

Just tell us “the rest of the story”, as I will continue to enjoy reading your postings.

You are not smarter than I, and no one has ever confused me with an intellectual, although it would be all right I guess.

You possess better communication skills, grammar, and project eloquently what you are conveying to what you perceive we lesser understanding folks.

Just tell “us the rest of the story” we’ll get it!

Gravy, I get it, you don’t. Overland Sailor has skill equaling yours for instance, he doesn’t preach and he doesn’t talk down to we Overlanders, (even the cretins in ward 3), The makes his point politely, well written, and without the 25 cent words you crave, and seem to enjoy throwing around and if impresses someone.

I have a thesaurus and have been known to use it, not to impress, but to reach deep and make a point.

In all sincerity I don’t disagree with you much except this relative unimportant few small points

Its just that’s the way I see it, could be wrong!

8:05 PM  

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