Wednesday, August 15

Police Chief Salaries

File this under another Suburban Journal "Too Little Too Late". Remember about this time last year when Queen Ann was claiming that she did a study and found that our police chief was being paid way too much and submitted a budget to reduce his salary?

Today, along comes the Journal with a story comparing Chief salaries. It looks like Ann was wrong (surprise, surprise) and his in right in the middle of other North County municipalities. And when you compare for population, it seems we might be under paying him. For example, St. John with a population of 1/3 of Overland's, pays their chief about 10K more.

Really, the only question is why didn't the Journal do an article like this when it was an issue in Overland?


Blogger suzyjax said...

Comparing apples and oranges is exactly my point and why I didn't like when Ann did it last year.
The article takes into account revenue from places like the casinos or The Mills, but also takes into account the extra policing such facilities also generate.
My point (in addition to be tongue-in-cheek nature) was that his salary seems inline with others and his responsibilities.
But, if we hire a CA in the near future we can start to address any pay disparities in other departments. Better a professional do this than a partisan.

7:13 AM  
Blogger John Moyle said...

I remember back in August when we did an article about Chief Herron's pay at the Overland Examiner. I never could figure out why they would say he was Overpaid.

9:39 AM  
Blogger suzyjax said...

August 2006, right?
Again, the Journals are right on the timely information.

1:14 PM  
Blogger John Moyle said...

You know, the Journal amazes me at times. They didn't do anything with Salaries when the Overland Chief of Police and City Clerk salaries were being questioned last year. Also, when I tried to submit an article about the historical society's planting event, I was told by one of the editors that "we don't do that sort of thing".

It begs the questions, what do they do? and How do they perceived their role in the Communities they serve? Don't ya think?

However, I think Buck Collier has been an excellent addition so far. There have been some issues here and there but I can't think of a good reporter who hasn't had those now and again.

If he had been around in August 2006 my guess it that we would have seen a story about salaries back then.

2:23 PM  

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