Wednesday, January 3

Dead Mayor Walking

Election board certifies vote to recall Overland mayor

By Sonia Ahuja, Suburban Journals

Overland residents will vote in April on whether or not Mayor Ann Purzner will be removed from office.

Joseph A. Goeke III, the Republican director of the St. Louis County Board of Elections, said Tuesday morning the recall measure has been certified to be on the April 3 election ballot in Overland.

"It's going to be on the ballot unless there is some court action stopping it," Goeke said.

When reached by phone Tuesday morning, Purzner said she was not yet aware of the action.

"How can they do that?" she said. "We needed a 5-3 vote to pass an ordinance.

"I see no good reason for a recall election," she added. "I am not guilty of anything."

Citizens of Overland for Good Government collected more than 4,000 signatures on petitions to put the measure on the ballot, more than the 2,500 required for a recall election in the city.

The group says Purzner has not conducted meetings according to city ordinances and Robert's Rules of Order, has exposed the city to lawsuits and apparently wants to limit public discussion.

When Mark Giroux, president of the group, was told by a North County Journals reporter of the certification, he said was not yet aware the election board had put the measure on the ballot.

"I know there must be some movement toward that direction, but I have not received any information yet as to what's happened," Giroux said. "If this is the case, you've made my day."

Giroux said he did not want to comment further until he receives a letter confirming a recall election from the election board.

Goeke said the election board received certification papers from Overland on Dec. 19.

"(The city) certified the signatures and filed some paperwork," he said.

Goeke said a letter notifying the city of the recall election was mailed Dec. 29.

Overland City Clerk Linda Downs said Tuesday the city has not yet received the letter.


Blogger New Girl in Town said...

I’m puzzled about something, or perhaps I missed something here. Who from the City of Overland sent the Certification Papers? If Purzner the innocent lying Con, has no idea about this (then again she has no idea about anything), then who certified this? I hope this certification was done in proper order etc and a possible error does not derail the process of this long anticipated recall.

7:58 AM  
Blogger New Girl in Town said...

Exactamundo.....ZERO credibility!!!

Ann Purzner the lying RN, just continues to lie and lie again. Purzner is a text book case of habitual liar syndrome. I don't think Purzner would even know how to tell the truth.

11:03 AM  
Blogger Nazrudin said...

She has changed her mind about going along with the recall - but we never believed her prediction about that, did we?

According to what Judge Goecke said, it might NOT be on the ballot. Then again, the legal team of Tolen and Rudman don't seem very inept at their jobs.

And from whom does Rudman hope to collect his fee?

11:58 AM  
Blogger sam said...

Mr Whitefolks, Please note that the other diagnostic criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder can be easily observed and identified in certain individuals, even during public meetings. These include grandiosity,preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power,brilliance, beauty or ideal love.Also exhibitionism including the need for constant attention and admiration. Another is cool indifference to critism or defeat as well as indifference to others. Also may be present; entitlement, which is expectation of special favors without assuming reciprocal responsibilities and surprize and anger that people will not do what is wanted.

Also may include interpersonal exploitiveness: taking advantage of others to indulge own desires or for self-aggrandizement; disregard for the personal integrity and rights of others.

Also lack of empathy: inability to recognise how others feel.

Does any of this sound familiar? What Dr. Dike did not point out however, is that many of these characteristics as well as the pathological lying seem to be contagious as the flu among some Purzner backers or financers and some councilpersons! Food for thought, eh?

2:16 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


Why is it when I see that Channel 5 story interviewing both Dougy Rudz and Beavis, I start thinking of the Dave Glover show and Battle of the Half-wits. I am sure the County Courthouse is bracing itself for this next battle of the legal titans.

Actually, notwithstanding the lawyers in the case, the issue can now be resolved once and for all. Let's hope for another good draw on the judge.

From my viewing of the news stories, it appears that there are two issues. First, does it require a resolution of the Board to certify the ballot issue or an ordinance? Second, if it does require an ordinance, what is the vote needed?

This is perfect. We may finally have a venue to decide this whole notion of needing 5 votes to pass an ordinance (ignoring the whole notion of a quorum). As you can see, this case may have even more immediate consequences than the April election.

PS To the Mauler from the last post. You think I'm soft? Bring it on.

2:54 PM  
Blogger Nazrudin said...

Mr whitefolks. To mimic the "investigative-yellow-journalism" style of the mayor's website, let's refer to Tuesday's





That trashy, pathetic website has Richard Knode's sorry attempts at logical reasoning threaded throughout.

Knode: "What page and paragraph, Mr Herman, does it say that in the book?" (Repeat chant ad nauseum.)
Knode: "Why haven't you, Jeff-W2, called me to discuss all my delusions of an irrational, fantasy budget?"* (Repeat ad nauseum for lack of further cognitive effort)
*adjectives inserted to add realism.

7:52 PM  
Blogger ORT Public Relations said...

The Overland Recovery Team is very sorry for our previous TECHNICAL INDIGNITIES.

Please enjoy our latest video which exposes the dark, ugly secret the 4 sinister councilmen don't want you to know about.

9:32 PM  
Blogger sam said...

The whole ORT {Overland Revenge Terrorists} seems to be coming from Never Never Land. Which one do you suppose has access to the Queen of Sleaze and Confabulations' city linked website? Could it be the same gentleman who admitted in court that he falsified a memo to city employees "by order of the mayor" without the mayors knowledge? The one whose amorous advances have been rejected by the Queen? (double Yuk!} Could it be a sore loser thing to plant the soft porn on her website?

Hang on folks. Mon nite is sure to be another Purzner circus. Heaven help poor wounded Overland! Left to their own devices, this group of throwbacks is sure to crash and burn without anyones intervention. The Recall Election is only backup!

11:29 PM  
Blogger Say It Aint So said...

I would encourage anyone looking for an evening of entertainment to attend the Overland City Council Meeting this Monday at 7:00p.m. The first 5 rows are reserved already with proceeds going to the Monochrome Suit Movement a bunch of "wigged out" wanna be mafiaso's who in their spare time do a drag queen gig on Vandeventer. Rumor has it Kenny does a great Shelly Winters impersonation from the Poseidon Adventure, ironically, just like the Poseidon Adventure the ORT's Ship is sinking too. SWEET. Just curious Whitey did he have a fake silk hankerchief too?

6:41 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Watched the meeting last night. I will once again offer some observations for our friend on this board and on the Board.

Cochran Vote: Not quite sure what the impetus is for the Cochran/Attorney General issue. Big Herm is, once again, right. An elected official most certainly may be removed from office (for example, recall, resignation, death, impeachment). Except for death, there is a process to be followed. Until such process is followed, the elected official is an elected official and entitled to the privileges and burdened with the obligations of the elected office. This "maneuver" smacks of the classic, dim-witted, thinking of the Brown bunch. As Gravy used to put it, the Two Finger Manifesto. Half-thought out by those without the intellect. Fortunately, this latest iteration requires them to play on the big stage with Mr. Nixon and his staff.

Link on Webiste: I was torn between "thick-headed" and "brainless" in describing our Mayor. In the end, I have chosen "slow". At first, I thought she was being purposefully obtuse with Mr. May but I now realize that her's is a feeble mind. My advice, go through the propoer motions to adopt a resolution to prohibit any link on the City's website to any elected-officials personal website. If she somehow keeps City personnel from executing this resolution, take her to court. It will be quick and painless.

Proposition T: Just let Kmode continue to bring an ordinance in every meeting and continue to table it for the same reason you tabled it before.

6:50 AM  
Blogger Nazrudin said...

mr. whitefolks,
We all make mistakes, so I can understand how easy it can be to twist somebody's words around and diminish the full impact of the original speaker's intent.

You report this quote from Mr. Knode.
"Let it be known that these four councilmen are refusing the citizen's 'right to vote'."

Now understand that Mr. Knode is the Chairman of the Budget Committee. He's responsible for some fairly large numbers. When he refers to four councilmen, we can take his word for it, that he knows how to count that high, as a Budget Committee Chairman should.

Nonetheless, if you listen enough times to Mr. Knode, I swear he said it, IN PUBLIC, precisely as follows:

"Let it be known that these four councilmen IS refusing the citizen's 'right to vote'."

They IS, folks! Budget Chairman said so! So THEY IS!!

After all, if we're going to have a person as Chairman of the Budget Committee, let's first see if that person can distinguish between a singular subject[One] and [Two], a pural subject.

7:50 AM  
Blogger Say It Aint So said...

Cowboy Poet well that fits real nicely. Maybe the Wyatt Earp can take care of this mess the old fashion way. Get a Posse up! Were going after the guys in black monochrome jackets

2:54 PM  
Blogger sam said...

Gee, the wannabe Godfathers Kareen and Brownmark must be swelling with pride for their slate of incompetent stooges,led by a deranged and senile 73yr. old fake nurse and including the proud owner of an old crack house in which he raised a murderer and drug dealer and carries on his romance with none other than the notorious "Sweaty Pickles", ex- Overland evicted deadbeat. The star of the show of course is the bewigged and yowling character not so gainfully employed at selling assault rifles to other unsavory gentlemen between acts of impersonating his intended, Her Dishonor.(Tho I hear he is drawn to the Tighty Whitey crowd.)
We can't wait to see what fine upstanding candidates the Overland Revenge Twins have waiting in the wings! Can you identify them as they pop up to engage in the coming campaign? Expect an m.o. of dirty tricks and false claims as engaged by the last idiotic ORT slate. Look for ignorance and sleaze as before.

1:43 AM  
Blogger Nazrudin said...

All this word about Mr Bergen is fine, but of the man's positions and ideas about Overland, I really don't have a clue.

I looked up yeoman. "An appointive USN petty officer who performs clerical duties usually associated with office workers, typists & stenographers."

I believe Mr Bergen has defended our Mayor in the past during residents comments.
I'm unclear on how he thinks about anything around town.

Show me.... more - much, much more. There's more to him than this, I'm sure.

4:21 PM  
Blogger Nazrudin said...

Thanks to all who have brought greater insights about Mr. Bergen. That somebody recalls anything from May 7th is kind of impressive. That Mr Bergen wanted more respect shown for the mayor isn't a bad thing. He sounds like a courteous type, which isn't inconsistent with what I've heard.

Facts... truth or consequences, facts are precisely what I need, because I know Mr Bergen only by reports, hearsay and vague recollections, none of which is conclusive.
I refrained from stating Mr. Bergen "supported" the mayor. I said Mr Bergen defended the mayor. While Mr Herman has defended entities of ill repute, we can't suppose he supports them.

truth or consequences, I summarized the findings of three huge, hardbound dictionaries to write the simplest, most relevant explanation I could find of the term yeoman. Still, I'm reluctant to surmise that I'd gained a fair working knowledge of the term yeoman. My post stated "of the man's positions and ideas on Overland, I don't have a clue."

For that reason, I stated, that I wanted "more, much much more."

truth or consequences, fill us in, regarding how Mr. Bergen, as you put it, "was covered on the May 7th meeting". Was he covered by the cable TV or one of the local TV channels? I'd sure like to know more on that. If a link to a clip of that were available, that would be intrigueing.

Chances are I misinterpreted the logic of Mr. Bergen's comments in May. I'd hate to judge a decent human too harshly.

11:13 PM  

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