Thursday, June 22

A rat from a sinking ship... 115 and counting

I hate reporting on myself on here but I feel it is necessary to give reasons and timeline. Yes my wife and I have decided to move and are actively looking for a house. However:
1. We are locked into a lease til October so that's the earliest we can move.
2. October is planning with everything going right, and any of you who have ever purchased a house knows we will probably be here til the new year.
3. I am going to be managing a new business down in the Imperial Kimmswick area and a 45 minute commute with today's gas prices does not sound like fun.
4. I don't see (without assassinations ---JUST KIDDING---) that this city council and mayor will work together and move this city forward. So long as MB and his cronies hold this much power in Overland I feel the common man will be overlooked for the gains of the ORT.

So those are my reasons. Don't worry before I leave I will post the username and password on here so anyone who wants to can log in and post.


Blogger New Girl in Town said...

Kimmswick/Imperial is a nice area. I have been eyeing that area myself. I love the shops in Kimmswick. I also liked the Hillsboro area. I am in no hurry just quite yet. I was hoping to find a nice piece of property with an old farm house to renovate or just build.
Good luck to you and your wife, John.

7:06 AM  
Blogger PTT said...

[m]y site is muckracking and stupidity at it's best.


Thanks for the compliment. We strive to be the best. So rarely do we achieve it. It's satisfying to have your work appreciated. I feel like breaking into song,

"Simply the best, better than all the rest."


John Doe....Doe Run....moving to Kimmswick, coincidence?

11:39 AM  
Blogger John Doe said...

Gravy Crane and all the rest...
Yes I love my merry band of miscreants. Apparantly we have upset amusing goat and schweaty pickles with our poking fun at them. You know what I say "So what?" Poking fun at someone is nowhere near as bad as the monumental screwing this city is getting at the hands of Schweaty pickles' and amusing goat's friends.

You tell me which is worse

daghter that sips her boyfriend some viagra so he can keep up with her...
Stepson wanted by the cops for murder

poking fun at the "enemy" by giving them silly names.
poking Overland in the pooper without any lube for the financial benefit of skid mark brown

pointing out their failings and criminal records.
having failings and criminal records...

Like I said muckracking and stupidity at its best...

If I could sing as good as Tina I would serenade all of you with simply the best...

1:17 PM  
Blogger New Girl in Town said...

For some reason I feel like an intruder on this board. Perhaps I'm a bit too brazen.

I enjoyed reading all your comments just the same, they were all clever and very funny.

1:30 PM  
Blogger PTT said...


Finally getting a screening of most recent BoA meeting. Every time I stop caring so much about the The Great Con and her Ort Cloud, my spirit is refreshed by these fine cable broadcasts.

I would volunteer to run video with couple cameras if I could attend the meetings. Role Tape.

Lawsuit concerns over mowing derlict property, or residential mowing. Outsourced. Very progressive. Seems to be some concern over accidentally mowing someone's flower bed. Treble damages I guess.

Ken Owensby is a truly disagreeable man. I was going to compare him to Foghorn Leghorn but I remembered how much I like Foghorn Leghorn.

The OPD has purchased some sort of meter to enforce tinted window ordinance. Four meters actually. I don't know police work very well

The Great Con thinks there are ten aldermen. Epic. Oh the little mistakes are also illustrative.

Knode oooohhh my god. You mean to tell me people voted for these dudes.

Ken Owensby is worried about going to jail for some reason. He shouldn't worry about getting mug shot photo without wig, Ken really, we know.

"Mr. May, that is disrespectful." Hilarious.


Comments from the Ort Cloud:

Knode is so disingenuous. It is so God Damn funny to think he is being politically sophisticated. He wants everyone to respect the election results but has no respect for the legislative outcomes right in front of his ridiculous grill. I mean come on bro...

Uh oh, computer sounds like it is going to blow. hopefully will be back

9:05 PM  
Blogger PTT said...

Hi, its me. I'm back.

That was a close one. I got the blue screen of death. Good thing I have redundancy here in the Gravy Boat.

Bad power cord on the hard drive. Repair successful.

Alrighty then, picture if you will..Dear Mr. Knode. You clearly state your belief that only citizens who have attended meetings and participated in Overland politics during the past may participate now.

The "where were you last year" card. There is also a variation of the argument, I believe of Sweaty Pickle origin, that goes, "wait for six months and none of these people will care or show up."

Frankly, I generally prefer to not participate in these meetings. I am most content with a local administration in which I never hear from. I hope that I will not care about the Great Con and her Ortian partisans in the future. I hope that I never see the Channel 5 van in front of City Hall again.

It is the worst of times that motivates political awareness. If the Great Con had any real ability to govern, I probably wouldn't have pass a thought about her leadership.

But this is the worst of times in terms of our local leadership. With all due respect to the deep, rich and varied bouquet of characters that have held local office, I cannot remember anyone being so obviously incompetent as Mayor Con.

And I really don't think Owensby is far behind. He is truly a disagreeable, short-sided and ignorant man. Trying to make a point by cherry picking the ordinances is something even a talk-radio caller to pull. I mean it is so surreal to watch.

9:38 PM  
Blogger suzyjax said...

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9:14 AM  

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