Thursday, October 19

Perhaps the Mayor is in Good Company

Did this scandal start in Overland and work it's way up?


Blogger onelayer said...

The Norm Parish of the Post has an article in today's paper about the flier, pg. 13. In short

Mayor thinks the flier is great.

4:23 AM  
Blogger New Girl in Town said...

Here is the article:

Phony name said to be on mailings opposing Overland recall vote
By Norm Parish


Following the launch of an effort to oust Mayor Ann Purzner, mailed fliers are now urging residents to be wary about the recall petitions.

On Saturday, a group called Citizens of Overland for Good Government launched the recall effort, charging Purzner with "misconduct in office, incompetence and failure to perform duties prescribed by law."

The recall petition cites Purzner's failed attempt to remove Police Chief Jim Herron without City Council approval and her decision to schedule council meetings in a place that cannot hold the crowds attempting to come to the meetings.

On Monday, police started receiving complaints about the flier, Herron said.

The two-sided form, entitled "Overland Residents Alert," warns that people could be falsely representing the recall group for fraudulent purposes, such as identity theft. Among other statements, the fliers claim a recall election could cost $40,000, which local officials deny.

The flier also provides a phone number to the police department.

"We believe the flier is misleading," Herron said. "Some people might believe that the Overland Police Department put it out, and we did not. We don't know of any identity theft or any other illegal activity connected with this recall. As far as we know, this recall is a legitimate exercise in citizens' rights."

Herron also said the post office box and the group named in the literature, "Prime Watch Publications," apparently didn't exist.

But Herron said he hadn't yet found anything illegal about the mailing. He said Economical Mailing Services in Overland, which mailed the literature, wouldn't reveal who had paid for the project.

Doug Carr, owner of the firm, said he had accepted the mail order from a third party. He said he didn't have to disclose who issued the mailings unless he was ordered to by a judge.

Carr would say only that he made "hundreds of mailings" on Saturday.

Purzner said that she was not involved in the mailings but that they were probably backed by supporters.

"I think it is great," she said.

Purzner, who has been mayor since April, added that she would leave office if recalled but didn't believe the effort would be successful.

"I do have a lot of supporters in this city," she said.

Mark Giroux, who is heading the citizens group, called the fliers "an example of terrible misinformation."

"This is very typical of the scare tactics that the mayor's supporters fall back on," he said. "This is just unsigned propaganda."

The citizen's group has 60 days to gather about 2,500 signatures to get the issue on the ballot.

5:05 AM  
Blogger New Girl in Town said...

Looks like Purzner started a fad of obtaining phoney diplomas and titles.
Your post cracked me up!! Many a true word said in jest :-)

5:11 AM  
Blogger New Girl in Town said...

Purzner is such a habitual liar. She claims not to be involved in sending out the fliers, yet they used her bulk mailing permit she used for her campaign garbage.

I guess Purzner the lying RN doesn't know who printed up her phoney diploma either!!

5:50 AM  

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