Tuesday, January 9

Contempt for Service: Why do Kenny Blowensme and Dick Kmode Hate America so much?

Well, if anyone had doubts about the veracity of Mayor Con's word or the contempt shown to our service men and women by Kenny "the Coward" Blowensme and Dicky "Yeeeees Dear" Kmode, last night's council meeting should have cleared things up.

Mayor Ann "the Con" Purzner is a pathological liar bent on circumventing the expressed will of Overland residents. I am not sure if Donna Dills is rubbing-off on Mayor Con or if Mayor Con is rubbing-off on Donna Dills, (sort of a chicken or egg thing) but one thing is clear to anyone with a shred of integrity, Mayor Con and her ORTian cretins will put their personal dysfunctions ahead of the greater good every time.

The following is from a KMOV interview conducted by Mike O'Connell with Mayor "the LIAR" Con after last night's failed aldermen meeting.

Mike O'Connell:

"Mayor were your council allies not here tonight to block any type of action on the recall?"

Mayor Con: "I don't know, honest to God I have not get...checked my answering machine so if they called me I have no idea..... I was.. I was.... just as in the dark as anybody else Mike."

Nearly twenty-four hours later, I continue to be at a loss for words to describe this unequivocal bold-face lie given to us from Mayor Con. Check your answering machine? Who the f do you think you are kidding lady. Well I guess you think you are kidding God because you evoked his name as a defense for your compulsive lying.

You are so done. You can cry, kick and scream. You can tell Kenny "the Coward" and Dicky "Yes, Dear" to not show-up. Try whatever little schemes and dime store political maneuvers you cook-up with Downstown Brown and Ruddy. Tell as big a lie as you and Donna Dills can think-up? Pretend that the petition was fraudulently collected? Do whatever you need to do to get yourself through the night, but remember this dumbass.....You're goose is cooked lady.


I am also disappointed in the utter contempt Dicky and Kenny demonstrate towards our political institutions and more importantly, the men and women of the American Armed Forces. Knowing the a remembrance to honor those who are serving and have served, Cowardly Kenny and Diminutive Dick don't show-up. Was this some sort of cruel joke to demonstrate the degree in which you loath America?

Shameful gentlemen, shameful. I expect more out of our people who pretend to serve America. What self-respecting Civil War rein-actor would show such contempt for the ideals of our country? A Seventh Day Adventist and a cackling rug doctor, that is who.

But, now that I think of it, I would cower from the public also if I was responsible for this mess. Especially Kenny. Not only does he pretend that he is the mayor, he also hides behind the Mayor like the coward that he is and always will be.

They say, "A coward dies a thousand deaths, a hero only one." I wonder, by this time in his self-loathing existence, how close to one thousand is Kenny Blowensme?


Blogger onelayer said...

Now don't be so hard on the three musketeer's. I heard Owensby had a hard day.

If the rumors are true the 3 were at a bar helping Owensby drown his sorrows. I've been hearing rumors of her & Owensby for quite sometime.

Rumor has it the mayor got married during her recent vactation. If you noticed she was wearing a gold band on her ring finger.

Ok, here's the kicker, supposedly she was making fun of Owensby while at city hall because he asked her to marry him. He didn't know she supposedly got married to her main squeeze.

Inquiring minds want to know if she had to. And personally if she did I want DNA testing to see who the father is.

What better reason than to stay away. Also did you notice that they put Herman next to her and moved Owensby on the other side.

What tangled webs we weave.

4:18 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I thought that Mr Herman was seated at his normal position next to the mayor because Mr Owensby was not there early to move the name tag.

4:49 PM  
Blogger Nazrudin said...

If the mayor were married out of town, out of state, how would it be possible to confirm via public records that she in fact got married?
Rumors are worthless.

Certainly the ring finger of the mayor's left hand sported what appeared to be a diamond ring. Second time, I squinted; it appeared her left hand was in her lap, upside down. Third time I saw that hand, it was up on the table; the setting was turned to the palm side of her ring finger.
Speculation: meaningless. She might have gotten lucky buying a box of Crackerjacks.

Inquiring minds are wasting time wondering if the mayor "had to" get married. Better for us to focus on replacing them for material reasons. She and her three stooges aren't worthy of our concern.

7:32 PM  
Blogger onelayer said...


I agree, rumors are worthless but this one I thought was funny when I heard it. And considering what happened the other night at the meeting or rather non-meeting, listening to her is enough to make me throw-up. So instead of getting sick I'd rather laugh.

I could care less how many times the woman get's married.

Her & the three have been hit so much over the past 9 mths it just doesn't seem to phase them. They just keep coming up with new stories & the lies just keep pouring out.

4:30 AM  
Blogger onelayer said...

She has been asked nurmerous times to get her website off the Overland site.

Now even when photos of 1/2 naked women along with videos if desired appear, I would have thought if she had just one decent bone left in her body she would have disconnected without even being asked. No, what does she do, quip about something to the effect were they pictures of me. I don't think it would have phased her even if they were pictures of hers. That's when she lost me.

The first thing out of her mouth should have been to apologize to the citizen's of Overland, then to say I'm disconnecting the link. But did she, no.

She was slapped right in the phase with material that I would consider for a person in her current position would have thought worthy of an apology. She proved she doesn't even have one decent bone left.

5:52 AM  
Blogger Nazrudin said...

What should have been a great comeback to the mayor's question "were they pictures of me?", concerning the topless photos on the mayor's webpage?

a) No, it was a hot young lady.
b) No, they were tastefully done.
c) You have that many tattoos?
d) .........other..............

I can't imagine what the ORT public relations might come up with to skewer this one.

2layer, your rumors were funny but Overland has folks with little ability to distinguish fact from fiction. i.e.,: purzner-ites.

6:38 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

First of all, a few posts ago, after being criticized for my approach, I offered to apologize to Mr. Doe. So, here goes, I apologize unqualifiedly and unequivocally for my shots below the belt.

Now, back to the ball-kicking. First of all, if the Mayor claims that she had no idea that her gang did not tell her about their conflicting threesome, there are only two possible conclusions. Either #1, she is lying; or #2, that dumb bitch cannot even control her three retarded toadies.

Next, let's talk about Blowensme. The body of work on this site about Mr. Blowensme is pretty much exhaustive so I will avoid the topics that have already been covered (the rug, sexual preference, etc) I just want to point out that he has no balls. We listen to him meeting after meeting talk about his having to speak with his nameless attorney about certain issues, only to come back next week with nothing. You know why? Because not only is he a bald tranny, he's got no cake ($$$). Even if he could find a barrister advertising in Soldier of Fortune.... I mean the TV Guide..... He can't pay them. No pay, no play. So come on Blowensme, sack up or shut up.

Lastly, I am going to stray into some gorund that is sure to attract my fellow posters fire, Chief Herron. He is beginning to wear thin in the meetings. He sounds like the teacher in Charlie Brown (or maybe Cheech and Chong). Either cart some people out or let them talk. The lecture about your 40 years of experience is getting old and scripted.

9:14 AM  
Blogger onelayer said...


12:17 PM  
Blogger onelayer said...

Watched the 11:30 & noon news, no mention of a new conference at 4. City hall knows nothing about it.

Was heard saying 2 called in sick, why the 3rd didn't have no idea, why she lied to the news is because she can.

One of her favorites let it leak that on Mon. her, Knode & Owensby made a trip to Jeff. City, can't wait to hear what crap comes out of that one.

As far as the chief, why bring him into this. I'm tired of all the lies every month but I keep going to the meetings. Asking questions of them is pointless, pointing out lies is ignored, hitting them with facts falls on deaf ears. The whole thing is tiring. Focus on those who live within & out of city limits that are causing all of this.

Until she is recalled or enough people get elected to oust her it's never going to change, same crap different day.

This blog has been a great way to vent frustations & laugh at some of the things said.

12:25 PM  
Blogger PTT said...

We do what we can twolayer........
We do what we can....

David Hume, "Truth springs from argument amongst friends."

1:30 PM  
Blogger Nazrudin said...

Only mayor purzner and doug rudman would confer on how to overturn damages of One Dollar.

7:11 PM  
Blogger onelayer said...

This morning in the Post, Brown has filed to run again.

What I found amusing is that it is for a 3rd ward seat.

4:05 AM  
Blogger Nazrudin said...

This mayor isn't very convincing in her comment to the TV reporter. Notice how seldom she looks directly at the reporter. Anybody familar with or literate at body language, knows that when eyes glance in certain directions we're saying far more than words.

This mayor is not a good liar; her facial muscles speak volumes that are very legible.

Looking at the listener requires greater cognition than was demonstrated by this mayor on Channel 4. Her need to glance down, left and right are consistent with somebody searching for a half-plausible response.

Compare May's comment: focused on the man behind the microphone.
Then Amerkas' Prez - can act his part looking straight into the camera, cue-cards or not - skills anybody can learn, honest or not.

9:00 AM  
Blogger The Names Have Changed said...

Mayor Con's Friends:

Former Berkeley City Manager Joseph King got 46 months in federal prison today for accepting $32,500 in kickbacks to steer the city's insurance business to a specific company from 2003 to 2006.

King accepted $5,000 twice a year in exchange for ensuring that Berkeley's workers' compensation and property and casualty insurance went through an independent insurance agent of Associated Insurance Group, prosecutors say. That agent, identified in court documents only as “M.M, has been identified as Matthew McWilliams by company president Greg Wherry.

Wherry said the company had no knowledge of the bribery or fraud and prosecutors have said there has been no allegation that company officials or other employees knew about the bribes.

The scheme cost taxpayers in two ways, Assistant U.S. Attorney Hal Goldsmith said.They paid more for the insurance to cover the bribes and probably paid more for the insurance than if the bidding had been competitive, although no one was able to estimate the cost.

King, 39, of the 1200 block of Hermans Orchard Drive in Florissant, was fired after the charges were revealed. He could have faced up to 10 years in prison after pleading guilty in October to one count of bribery and 20 years on one count of mail fraud, but sentencing guidelines set the likely range between 46 and 57 months in prison.

Gee, I wonder who else MM rolled over on and will there be a follow up where a person identified as JK has his turn to spill his guts.

2:19 PM  
Blogger Say It Aint So said...

I'm confused I don't understand the connection with Ann or that Berekely can't determine the amount this scheme cost.

6:18 PM  
Blogger Nazrudin said...

I too would like to hear again, the connection between Joe King and purzner. I've long forgotten what those allegations were.

I clearly recall a visit JK paid to the group formed by Donna Dill in the basement of the church on Lindbergh, adjacent to the MHP on the north side of Midland. JK explained his job to perhaps a score of Dody-haters. Owensby was frequently among that group.

say it ain't so: thousands of us are uncertain about Joe King and his Berkeley dealings.
It doesn't surprise me that Berkeley insiders haven't guessed at, or estimated, the cost of what happened.

In their shoes, I'd be terribly ashamed to yank a number out of thin air - I'd leave that determination up to the insurance firms themselves.

Wouldn't it be ironic if JK had, as a cellmate, the kidnapper Devlin?

11:08 PM  
Blogger ORT Public Relations said...

We are happy to announce an exciting new contest which will be of interest to all singles in Overland and throughout the country:

Note: you may need to click once on the image to enlarge it.

Now is your once in a lifetime chance to Marry the Mayor!

9:33 PM  
Blogger Faukes said...

Her birthday according to the election records is 1231937. 1 week from today.

May it be your last one in office.

2:46 AM  

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