Wednesday, February 28

Let's see if I understand THIS circular logic

Just finished reading Sailor's details on the recent Budget Committee Meeting, The Overland Examiner: Budget Committee Meeting. Sailor is thorough and provides us with wonderful detail. (Good job and thanks!)
But, it seems that our ORT are using that darn circular logic again.

Supposedly, during the stone age we voted to have our utility taxes pay for trash service. In addition, some folks are complaining that they have yet to receive their utility tax refund. Are the same folks who are complaining about the lack of city paid trash the same ones complaining about not getting utility tax refunds? The same utility tax that supposedly funds the trash?

If I have read correctly about AmerenUE's rate hike proposal, they utility rates haven't been raised since 1987. One could then conclude that the utility taxes have remained the same. I am pretty sure that the bill for trash pickup is not the same as it was in 1987. Thus, the money to pay for the trash IS NOT THERE!

Tuesday, February 27

Exhibit A

After reading SuzyJax's post I went to my trash can and retrieved Owenswigs letter from it's resting place. I sat down and looked it over and noticed quite a few intersting things.
1) Owenswig did not black out the private information of Mr Silva. Mr Silvas Date of Birth and Social Security Number are right there on the sheet for hundreds of ward three residents to read. Wonder how many credit cards will be applied for in Mr Silva's name thanks to Owenswig distributing this sensitive information. As worried as the ORT members are about identity theft, you would think they would protect the Silva family from being posible victims.

2) If you look closely and read the form that Owenswig produces as exhibit A you will notice that Mr Silva signed it and it was witnessed by OPD and CFPD personel. Almost as damning a piece of evidence as the reciept for "jewelry" that Owenswig produced to show the mis-appropriation of city funds.

3) The form is marked confidential and was likely released to Owenswig in an official capacity. I do not know what the penalty for releasing confidential patient information is but is this really the way you want your elected officials handling confidential paperwork? Why even bother having executive sessions if Ownswig takes it upon himself to release private information at his discretion.

4) As mentioned the letter glosses over the fact that the reason for the recall isn't that Ann Prisoner has been found in the wrong repeatedly by the courts.

As Paul Harvey says page two...

Owenswig creates a quote and attributes it to mayor Dody " You are better off not knowing." I have known mayor Dody for at least 25 years and I have found him to be quite a bit more eloquent then this except when speaking to small children and simple minded creatures. Then again seeing as how Owenswig has a penchant for leaking confidential paperwork, maybe this is an exact quote of what Mayor Dody did say to Owenswig.

But I will thank Owenswig. At 4:30 this afternoon I had no idea who I was voting for in the upcoming Overland city council races. Thanks to Owenswig I now know exactly which candidate is firmly in the ORTs pocket

per request here is the link to the scanned copy of the flier... online here.

Start the Presses: Ward 3 Under ORT Attack

The copy machine at Marky Mark’s was fired up for a new misleading missive to the residents of Ward 3. On one side is a plea to not recall Mayor Purzner because she was justified in “suspending” the police chief. It rehashes the Silva case and has a copy of a Community Fire District form that is clearly marked CONFIDENTIAL.

On the other is a letter from Kenny boy that basically trashes the chief. It is filled with innuendo that is not verified (I heard this, he said that…) and a copy of an old Post-Dispatch article about a no confidence vote for the chief.

It ends with a request to retain the mayor and support Peggy Keller in Ward 3. (I wonder if the latter endorsed that?!)

The problem is that even with as much trash as Owensby wants to throw out there, the issue was with the Purzner’s methods. She acted unilaterally and refused to get the advice and consent of the city council, which she is required to do. That is the issue.

And it is only one of the issues. His letter doesn’t address the Sunshine Law violations, a law the mayor was found to have broken by a court of law.

So, trash away Kenny boy. You have proven that is the only thing at which you excel. Maybe your next letter can actually talk about the real issues of the recall.

I’ve scanned it and you can find it online here.

Identity Crisis

"I wish this group of concern citizens would have worked against the board when they lied to everyone about electing the police chief, that was a right that we had and the promise was made that we the citizens would be able elect our police chief in the future." FINEWINE.

Hey Goat, I understand you are slipping a little in retirement, but your FINEWINE persona just moved to Overland recently and was learning about the political history of Overland from his/her neighbor Amuzing Goat.

Why would FINEWINE be using first-person when posting about events that happened before he/she moved to Overland? Why would FINEWINE use the plural form of "we" in the past-tense to describe events that he/she was not around to witness or participate.

Make a post-it note with and put it in the corner of the screen as a reminder of which identity your are currently using to post. I really thought you were a better liar than that, but you are human. You make mistakes just like honest people.

Saturday, February 24

That Is What I Thought Goat.

The only issue to me and others at the OVCC is to see that Ann Purzner, Dicky Kmode, Snoozin Tom Sellers and Coach Kenny Blowensme's political careers are brought to an end.


We don't like them. They are obstructionist liars that have not been able to accomplish anything during their terms in office. Their dismal performance is the one and only reason for me to participate in aiding their removal.

What happened prior to 2006 is of no concern to me. I don't give a rat's arse what Frank Munch or Bob Dody did while in office. Completely irrelevant to the issues facing our current representatives. Whatever old score you are trying to settle with your lies, bullshit and half-truths is of NO CONCERN. The future is now, and I am interested in seeing the above mentioned leaders and their lying supporters not be part of it.

Why am I interested in you Fine Whining Goat?

Simple. You are Ann Purzner, Dicky Kmode, Snoozin Tom Sellers and Coach Kenny Blowensme's most active OverlandChat LIAR; as in one who tells lies and posts these lies on the OverlandChat. You do so most disingenuously through the use of three or four different "handles". When one of your characters gets their ass handed to them by someone pointing-out your obvious LIES, you create another name. One thing is consistent through all of your characters though, that is of course the LYING.

I do not need to know anything much more about these people. I have directly witnessed their inability to cooperate on a professional or personal level with anyone attempting to move the issues forward. During 2006, I directly witnessed every one of their attempts to circumvent the rightful authority of the OPD, the BoA, the City Attorney, the County Board of Elections, St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney, St. Louis County Circuit Courts and ultimately the citizens of Overland. For your efforts; nothing but contempt from all who attempt to work with you.

You had your chance. You failed. You gotta go.

What's that Goat? Are you reaching into your bag of innuendo to argue that it is the members of the majority opposition that is preventing the Mayor and her ORT supporters (MORT) from getting their work done? Or are you going to the "previous administration" card siting some issue from a by gone day? No need to flounder through that sack of sugar. Here are a few thoughts on a very simple calculus.

(You with me, Goat? Pay attention, more big words approaching.)

A majority of votes on the city counsel is required to effect policy. A majority defined as more than half of the votes. MORT never had a majority of votes therefore everything they have done has been in the hopes of circumventing this most basic dynamic of our democratic institutions.

At no time did any of these aforementioned leaders make a serious attempt at breaking the majority opposition by turning at least one opposition member and thus creating a coalition government. Traditionally this is done through compromise, bargaining and consensus building among the elected. Why MORT failed to make this most simple, basic and fundamental parliamentary maneuvers is unknown. I don't care about your reasons, everybody has reasons. You failed. You are unable to govern the City. You must be fired.

Presidents Reagan, Clinton, Nixon, Ford and Bush all faced majority opposition within Congress. Yet all of these men found the ability to compromise and build consensus over some of the most pressing and contentious issues facing the Country. In the end they may not have achieved all of their policy goals, but they did manage to find common ground in order to govern. And for that, they are thought of as being good if not great leaders.

MORT has shown they are absolutely incapable of managing or effecting this type of process. They do know how to throw fits, lie and ineffectually attempt to manipulate. Govern according to the letter as well as the spirit of our local democratic institutions; not part of MORT's political toolbox. Again, You tried. You lied. You Failed. You gotta go.

As far as my financial were-with-all, I appreciate your hatred. I don't make wagers that I think I will lose. I am quite risk adverse as a person and completely appreciate the existence of "black swans". Quite coincidentally and a bit ironic, among those that know me, have come to know that yesterday was an extremely lucrative day in my life. The FICA tax alone is enough to choke a horse. I don't bitch about paying the taxes even if they will be more than my total income for the past four years, America is one hell of a bargain! I don't mind sharing with Uncle Sugar. And sorry Goat, my scratch isn't coming from Scratchers or by foolishly tossing a dollar for the right to choose six numbers, it was from working.

I put my money where my mouth is Goat, but as usual you appear to be more interested in putting your mouth where my money is. I am available for dinner at the Eat Right with plenty of Cash to Deliver. Bring your two friends with you and earn a cool three large; if you can manage to also bring Charley with you I will throw in another $500.00.

Friday, February 23

I will put up for you to shut-up

I will give Amuzing Goat, Fine Wine and Blue Eyes one thousand dollars each and pay for their meal if all three will simultaneously meet me at the Eat Rite for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

How could you say no?

Pick a time, all three of you sit down for a meal and earn $1,000.00 each. How much trash pick-up will that pay for and it would only cost you about one hour of your time?

Just say when, my checkbook is right here in my pocket and I would love to meet all three of you. Heck, it is worth three thousand dollars.


Good God You Are an Idiot

As I have clearly disclosed throughout my posting career, Gravy Crane Durham, Mr. Whitefolks, 46&2 as well as the occasional Ellen G. White are the same person. I first joined the fray under Gravy Crane Durham. John Doe graciously invited SuzyJax and I to help administer postings as he was going to be occupied with personal business. I wanted to change my handle to not confuse my OVCC work with my Nothing Butt Truth content. When using Blogger, only the original administrator is allowed to change names of contributors therefore I could not replace Gravy with Mr. Whitefolks. Only John Doe can make that change. So at the time, I fully disclosed that I was posting under the above mentioned handles eventually settling on Mr. Whitefolks.

Now dammit Goat, start paying attention while your attention still has a span to hold. Your thinking is so narrow and ill-informed that you rarely actually "get the joke" and rebut statements that have nothing to do with the point of the original argument. Now after a year of postings you have the sudden revelation that Gravy and Mr. Whitefolks are the same person. Is there some sort of Rube Goldberg contraption operating the thoughts echoing through your skull?

Now for anyone with greater than three synapses firing during any one day, none of the aforementioned is a surprise. Regardless of whether they read the original disclosures they would know I am the same person because I write in the same style, comment on similar subjects and produce equally entertaining content, satire and opinion. It is nearly impossible for a person to develop good writing skills over the course of a life-time and also master the ability to hide those skills in their writing. The manner in which we write is as stubborn a thing to change as changing one's personality. No matter how hard you try or how talented your deception, you will eventually surface because unfortunately, you can't help but to be you.

It should be tediously clear to all, and a bit redundant to the sentient; Gravy, Whitey and E. Whitey are all creations of little ole me and I have never represented otherwise.

I swear to God, Mike.

Your turn Goat.

Thursday, February 22

A Family's Wisdom

"My family insisted that I stop posting."

You should listen to your family. We don't rip on you Goat because you post about your love of Mayor Con or even tedious Overland history lessons. We rip on you for continuously posting bullshit, halve-truths and on-line conversations between your multiple personalities. If you insist on disobeying the wisdom of your family, try to spend what little cranial computational capacity you have left and devote that to issues. You waste too much of your time trying to contrive us into thinking your are separate people.

Listen to your family Goat. If you won't do it yourself, do it for your children. Stop fighting it, take your medicine and think deeply about how you insist on hurting your family.

I swear to God, Mike.

Wednesday, February 21

Where is Jack Kavorkian when you need him?

What is absolutely astounding to me is the madly insane coincidences over at OverlandChat.

Music Note, Blues Eyes, Fine Wine and all combinations thereof always seem to post within twenty to thirty minutes of each other while all claiming to not know each other, or sort of know each other, or whatever that lame brain gurgles up from her dreadfully empty pit of creativity, wit and as they say, smaaaaaarts.

Imagine the probabilities involved with this seemingly (only in Amuzing Goat's mind) unrelated and unconnected events. I am talking one long number people. A number so small even Deep Blue would choke on it. There will be entire months go by when we don't hear from any of her, then, inexplicably, one, two or all three show up on the same day. Within thirty minutes of each other. Must be pheromones or something.

Due you have a short and/or long term memory problem Goat? Egads you are hilarious. The more you post, the farther Ann gets from being Mayor. For over a year now, you have been touting your Purzner supporting, previous administration hating and ORT-ian jive; and what has it got you? The more you talk the more ridiculous you appear.

When you claim in your posts that you are not Blue Eyes, Amuzing Goat or Fine Wine while being Blue Eyes, Amuzing Goat and Fine Wine; are you doing that to convince yourself of the lie or are you doing that for Danni? It only makes you more conspicuous. Thou protests too much type of thing, you know.

I would love to get a forecast from you Goat on the recall. Do you think Mayor Con will get 5% of the vote, 7%, maybe as high as 10%. You are facing a landslide of equal proportion to the slide facing the Thoman-Booth Post as the cement pond pushes its way towards Midland Blvd.

Keep it up Whining Blue Eyed Goat, keep it up. I understand the clock is ticking on your ORTian dream team. I understand it is probably tough to realize that in a mere three months you will be irrelevant.

Reading your posts, watching Danny obsess over ordinary citizens and catching a few more moldy butt loving exhales from Sweaty Pickle, at the risk of being sadistic, I can't help but be reminded of my most recent Caribbean fishing trip. I had caught a huge Marlin. While standing on the boat admiring the catch, my crew and I couldn't help but notice the futility of the Marlin's situation and how funny it looked fighting for its life. The marlin flopped as violently as it could while on the deck. Fearing the end, the fish lashed out with one final convulsion. Although interesting to watch it was of no concern to us. No matter how hard the marlin shook, we all knew certain, it was just a matter of a few moments before the fish would be dead.


Last call for the River Styx Ferry, all ORTians aboard, Last call for the River Styx Ferry, Last call. AAAALLLLLL ABOARD!

Thank you for the reminder, Danny. You da man, boyeeeee.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank Danny of OverlandChat fame for reminding us to get our St. Louis County Personal Property Taxes submitted. For some reason, every year I get distracted with holiday activities and forget to pay my personal property taxes. Thanks to Danny's caring perspective, I am going to get myself right over to the County Seat today and take care of my delinquent personal property tax obligations.

Outside of being the right thing to do, the most important reason to make sure to pay your St. Louis County Personal Property Taxes is so that St. Louis County has the necessary resources to govern effectively. Imagine what the County's municipal services would be without St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney, Robert McCulloch. You would have dime-store ham-fisted one-bit local political hacks and their dumb-ass supporters breaking every law they could find for their own enrichment. Imagine no County Election Board to keep the interests of voters ahead of the interests of fraudulent elected officials? Checks and balances, checks and balances.

I don't get over to the County Seat very often and not very familiar with the Government Center. I am hoping Danny could also remind us where we should go to pay our obligations when visiting the County seat.

Given that Mayor Con, Dicky Kmode, Kenny Blowensme, Danny, Donna Dills, Doogie Ruds, Eric Modus Tolens and the rest of the ORT Group Home Gang regularly get their collective asses handed to them in the St Louis County Circuit Court, I am reaching out to you Danny for some help.
Is the Assessor's office anywhere near the court room where Kenny Blowensme was busted for fraudulently impersonating and acting as Mayor Con? Is that the same place where Donna "the lying ass worshipping carpet-bagging has been" Dills ineffectually committed perjury in the original Sunshine Law case. I have a hard time keeping track of the numerous cases where Danny and the Mayor have had their agenda shoved so far down their throat that the judge can simultaneously wash their hands. Some advice from the more experienced County Seat visitor would certainly be helpful.

Thanks again for your help Danny. I must admit my pleasant surprise with your attention and knowledge of Personal Property Taxes in St. Louis County. Especially considering your lack of a vested interest.

I mean, wouldn't a resident need to own property before having a detailed interest in the County's personal property tax system?

Monday, February 19



Thursday, February 15

The Lone Shoveler.

I know of a real nice way to recognize "good deeds". Awarding a person with a service pin for good service is a nice cheap and easy way to say "atta-boy".

Of course I rarely give a service pin to someone who is engaged in normal everyday works. I don't know when shoveling someone's driveway or delivering a few squares in your Cirius became worthy of a medal or even high-praise for that matter. But for folks who don't really do much for the broader community, I guess seeing them doing a favor is a "big deal".

I am sure Kenny Blowensme had plenty of free-time on his hands. What else would he have to do during normal business hours? Work? Talk to his "students"? Scan his collection of vintage Hustlers into digital form?

I do have one question for the Fine Whining Goat in regard to her high praise of Kenny, are you sure that was snow that he was shoveling?

Tuesday, February 13

Why Does Dick Kmode Hate America, pt. 2: Seventh Day Adventists and Nazi Germany

Dicky Kmode gets embarrassed when ordinary citizen's question why he has so much difficulty attending meetings. I mean the guy shows-up now-and-then but his attendance record is abysmal. He never has his Budget Committee work done and doesn't really care about helping people.

For example, I received a copy of letter from the Overland Refuse Trust in which Dicky Kmode refuses to help individual Overland residents with their trash service burden. Dicky Kmode won't support a wealthy individual who wants to help those in need; strange, but true. He stated that he only supports charities with a 503(c) designation because of something to do with him deducting benefits from tax returns or something. Of course an individual does not need an IRS designation to give away his money; but in Dicky Kmode's World a designation is necessary. Anyway, it comes as little surprise that Dicky Kmode would hide from his responsibility to help Overland's residents by cloaking himself in the language of the secular bureaucracy. Pretending to help while working to hurt is a long standing practice among Seventh Day Adventists.

Nazi Germany was a horrible place for small denominational churches. There was no religious liberty. One small denomination that survived was the Seventh-day Adventist denomination. When Adolf Hitler rose to power in Germany, the German Seventh-day Adventist denomination (hereafter referred to as Adventists) believed it was time for a strong leader in Germany. Hitler seemed to be the best candidate because of “his personal dedication and his abstinence from tea, coffee, alcohol and meat, practices shared by the Adventists, [therefore] he was welcomed as a savior.”

n the Adventist town of Friedensau, Germany 99.9% voted for the Nazi parliamentary state. Even though the Adventists wanted a strong Fuhrer and supported Hitler, that support varied. The reason was because of Hitler’s contradictions about religious liberty. The departmental secretary of the South German Union Conference, M. Busch, was in support of Hitler and “approvingly quoted Hitler’s statement in Mein Kampf that ‘for the political Fuhrer all religious teachings and arrangements are untouchable.’” The Adventists believed that Hitler was for religious freedom, while the Nazi Party was against it. “Still, point 24 of the Nazi party program stated that the Party supported positive Christianity, without tying itself to any particular confession.” This was a debatable problem among Christian groups because no one knew what “positive” Christianity was. This problem was never clarified and the contradiction remained. When Hitler became dictator of Germany the discussion on the contradiction ended and very soon Christian groups would know what Hitler meant by “positive” Christianity.

On November 26, 1933, the Nazi state banned the small denominational churches. Among those prohibited were the Seventh-day Adventists. The Seventh-day Adventists decided to seek legal advice on what to do about the ban and within two weeks, the ban was lifted on the Adventist denomination.After this, it was decided within the denomination that “positive” Christianity meant support for the Nazi state. To show their support for the Nazi state, the Adventists sent a letter to the “Nazi Ministry of Interior an official memorandum on Adventist teachings, church organizations, social activities and attitude to the government.”The Adventists also informed the Interior that there church “members hold ‘German attitudes.’”Pointing out that the government’s suspicion and concern should be to a “rival schismatic group, the Seventh-day Adventist Reform Movement, whose attitudes, the Adventists insisted, were far from ‘German.’” It seems that the Adventists were more concerned with holding German attitudes then holding Adventists attitudes.

It was because of this letter that the Nazi government noticed the Reform Adventist denomination. In trying to distance themselves from the Reformers, the Adventists led the Nazi government to them. The government investigated the Reformers and decided that they held different views from the acceptable Seventh-day Adventist denomination.The Reformers were then banned on April 29, 1936.The Seventh-day Adventists believe in religious liberty, but instead of voicing their outrage over the persecution of the Reformers and the Jews, the Adventist leaders decided to take action against these two groups. The Adventist leaders “issued directives to prevent the Reformers from joining the Adventist Church.”And they expelled Adventists who had a Jewish background from the Church.The Adventists were unwilling to even protect their own members if they thought the Nazi government would disapprove. The state was able to control the Church because there was no religious liberty. This is not to say that individual Adventists did not help Jews or other undesirables. The Adventists were notable,

In 1935, the privileges enjoyed by Adventists, such as keeping the Sabbath, selling religious literature, money transfers that were necessary for missionary work, and certain publications were forbidden.This made the German Adventists reconsider their position on religious liberty of keeping church and state separated. They knew Nazi Germany was receiving a bad public image abroad because of its treatment of small denominational churches whose home base was in the United States. If the smaller denominations were willing to help improve the Nazi image abroad, the Nazi government was willing to allow those denominations some leniency. This was the starting point of the German Seventh-day Adventist denomination sacrificing integrity and basic denominational principles. The denomination “worked with German authorities to cultivate a better image for Nazi Germany in America in order to get better treatment at home.”This was accomplished through the Adventist welfare program.

The Seventh-day Adventist welfare system was considered the best in Germany. Their organization in welfare made the Adventists stand out. Through their welfare system, the Adventist Church was able to show their “Christian principles and [their] patriotic loyalty to the state.” The Nazi government was satisfied with the work the Adventists were doing but not with the language. Instead of using “Christian” it was renamed “heroic.”The Adventists welfare program was incorporated into the state’s National Socialist People’s Welfare Department. The incorporation went against their belief that church and state are to remain separate. The German Adventists welcomed the incorporation of their welfare program. They believed they could accomplish greater things and help more people. But with the incorporation, the Adventists had to obey the state’s laws, which were, no Jews, anti-socials or undesirables were to be given welfare.The Adventists - on their own - added that no Seventh-day Adventist Reform Movement members were to receive help. The Adventists were not helping more people, in fact they were discriminating against the people who needed their help the most. Along with the welfare programs of the Adventist, the health reforms and racial hygiene became important.

The Adventists believed that along with their welfare program, their health ideals were leading the way for a new Germany. Adolf Minck, soon to be president of the German Adventist Church, said, “We are not unprepared for the new order. After all, we have helped prepare the way for it, and helped to bring it about. The problem with supporting the Nazi government in their health program was the government’s belief in the principles of Darwinism. The Adventists denominational stance was against Darwin’s principles. The German Adventists sacrificed this principle for the Nazi government. In order to gain favor with the Nazi government, the Adventists changed what was written in their publications and reformed their health message. The Adventists “frequently print[ed] negative comments about the Jews.” They also tried to show that even though the Adventists teachings about the Sabbath seemed Jewish, they were not Jewish.The Adventists also believed in the sterilization program. Direct statements and the reprinting of Adventist articles showed their support for sterilization.

The mentally weak, schizophrenics, epileptics, blind, deaf, crippled, alcoholics, drug addicts – all were to be sterilized. ‘This law,’ an article in the Seventh-day Adventist paper Jugend-Leitstern said, was ‘a great advance in the uplifting of our people.

The position of the German Adventists changed from “caritas, the caring for the less fortunate and weak, to elimination of the weak, as the work of God. Their strong right arm had led German Adventists to a volkisch position.”The Adventists had built a “well organized, efficient welfare system that seemed particularly well suited to work with state authorities.”This system allowed Hulda Jost to be recognized by the Nazi regime."

Well we will stop right there and pick-up this topic again, hopefully being able to trace the history of Dicky Kmode's Adventist/Nazi Church all the way to Dicky Kmode's door. All of that information and we haven't even covered libel and slander.

I swear to God, Mike.........

Monday, February 12

Blogger migrated and updated

The blog has been updates and migrated, you can still read it without doing anything different but to post you will need to get a google gmail account.

Wednesday, February 7

And Its One, Two, Three Strikes Your Out at the Old Court House: Smack Down Fool!

Judge won't block Overland recall election

A St. Louis County judge today rejected Overland Mayor Ann Purzner's request to stop an effort to recall her from office. Purzner had wanted an order to keep the recall question off the April 3 ballot because she didn't believe that there was a legal basis for the recall and that proper procedures were used to place the issue before voters. For example, Purzner contended that she vetoed a city council resolution on the issue last month.

But Circuit Judge Steven H. Goldman disagreed in his order, adding that a council action in December allowed the recall question to be brought before voters. Doug Rudman, Purzner's lawyer, said the mayor has yet to decide whether she will appeal the case. In Purzner's suit, she named as defendants, the St. Louis County Election Board and election directors Joseph A. Goeke III and Judy Taylor.

At the same time, Rudman said Purzner is not a afraid of a recall question. “She anticipates that the people of Overland will retain her,” Rudman said. Steve Garrett, a lawyer for the St. Louis County Election Board, said he expects ballots for the recall question to be printed by early next week. The group Citizens of Overland for Good Government collected 3,843 signatures
for the recall vote. In December, the Election Board certified 3,650 signatures as being from registered voters; 2,500 were needed.

The group wants Purzner removed because of her failed attempt to replace Police Chief Jim Herron and for holding meetings in a room too small to accommodate crowds seeking to attend. In the past, other judges have agreed with residents, saying Purzner improperly attempted to remove Herron without council approval and citing the mayor for violating the state's open meetings law.

Saturday, February 3

Post of the Whatever: Cantrell ya how right you are.

EJ "Lucky" Cantrell said...

Get ready for the trouncing. This has been worth the wait.

Doogie will now be facing the St. Louis County Board of Election Commissioners. No more battle of the bottom feeders with Doogie versus Beavis. He will now face off against Steve Garrett. Steve hails from the firm of Curtis, Heinz and O'Keefe, arguably the best municipal lawyers in the city. They represent and prosecute for cities too numerous to mention in this post.

Con: What does that mean Doug?

Doogie (glassy eyed and confused): I think this means we lost but I'll have to ask my brother..... or maybe one of my brother's friends.