Saturday, September 1

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Trends in Lies

Hello everyone. We are here to point out the latest trends in Overland lies, half-truths and misstatements. This week's trend goes to those who want to blame MBC (and MBC alone) for their personal property tax rates.

Enough with blaming MBC for Overland's personal property tax rates! The council vote went down 5-2, so she was just one of five in that arena. In reality, we the voters of Overland have voted what the maximum levy rate will be. (Something about "when you point a finger, three more are pointing back at you" seems fitting here.) The council cannot work outside those parameters that the voters have put in place.
If you are going to blame MBC for the personal property tax rates then you must also credit her for lowering of the levy for real property. You really can't have it both ways.
It's almost reminiscent of ORTian logic. Then again, some of these folks have bitten from the poison apple of Schneider promises. Speaking of which, why are they not blaming Schneider for this? After all, it was one of the first things passed during his administration?

What's in a Name?

Am I the only one who sees the irony in someone who uses the handle "uareidiots" that then goes to spout off the biggest batch of BS in recent OVCC history? Excerpts from his comments:

uareidiots said...
Conlon certainly showed her true colors. Conlon fought for that tax increase which we all know is only going to benefit the school district and probably not even them much. ...Goodbyecc I agree with you 100 percent, but I am not a good public speaker, but I will certainly applaud you.

1) Many others have already pointed out that Overland tax rates has little-to-nothing to do with the either the Ritenour or University City School Districts.

2) You quote Goodbyecc who we have also proven he/she is full of crap with their $380 increase claim. (The difference for mine is $2.32, so pardon me if I don't buy that $380 figure.)

3) You are not only not a good public speaker but a BS writer. Don't come here with lies, half-truths and mis-statements. You may think we are idiots, but that is just your reflection in the mirror.