Wednesday, December 27

Wild Acres

There is a lot of allegations and innuendo flying on here about the Wild Acres conference facility. I have spoken to members of the friends of wild acres and I have spoken to Bill Egseiker who is quoted in the article. From my understanding of the situation:
Financial responsibility of Overland taxpayers:
the city would have to bring the buildings to an occupiable standard, mold and asbestos remediation, beyond that the only financial responsibility would be for the city to continue making their mortgage payments on the property. Mention is made in the article about applying for grants to be used in the renovation. I will follow up on this and make sure I have this correct.

The Partnership with the city:
As it says in the article the city would own the buildings and the business would own itself. Nothing more nothing less. No involvement from the city in the conference center.

Ownership of the wild acres seminary buildings:
Would remain with the city and yet the buildings would be used in such a way as to generate revenue and tax.

Ann Purzners involvement:
None, if any of you have attended any of the friends of wild acres meetings you would see that Ann and the ORT are nowhere to be seen (other then in the parking lot taking down license plate numbers) what was Ann supposed to say? Was she supposed to pull off her Rubber mask and revealed herself to be Mark Brown and looked at the sheriff and snarled. "It was a perfect plan I sell the wild acres seminary to myself for well under market value and then resell it to be used as section 8 housing. And it would have worked if not for those pesky kids!" ala scooby doo? She gave the banal trite noncommittal answer that politicians always give.

availability of wedding chapels/halls:
look around Overland what does this city have to offer in halls that one can rent to have a wedding reception? WE have the lions, the VFW, the Moose and the community center. We don't have a dedicated banquet hall. You have to drive to Maryland heights for a banquet center.
And while in Maryland Heights you have to put up with the odor of Dill Pickles and who wants that on your wedding day?

General plans for the use of the property:
While most of the people are focusing on the one stop wedding shop concept what business makes more sense for the property then a conference center? You have a commercial kitchen, a chapel/lecture hall, a gymnasium/ banquet hall, and the seminary building which would make a nice b & b. The site is perfect for a conference center.

I challenge any of the detractors from the idea to come up with their own ideas for use of the Wild Acres site that not only keeps the buildings in the city's hands but also generates a revenue stream for the city and creates jobs for the city.

Friday, December 22

Owenby's Zero Credibility

In honor of Truth or Consequences, here is a new post:

Did you read the Suburban Journal article on the recall effort? Basically it said that the city is open to another lawsuit because of the ORTians dragging their feet on the will of the people. And, I would support COGG 1000% if they chose to get this on the ballot via the courts.

But the killer of the article is Owensby’s accusations on COGG’s efforts. He accuses them of collecting signatures earlier than allowed and thus filled in dates after the fact (of the signatures). I didn’t know Owensby was a handwriting analyst. I didn’t realize you can tell how someone would create a number based on how they sign their own name.

In addition, I find Owensby’s claims of fraud a bit ironic. Didn’t he admit on the stand this year that he sent out a memo to city employees under the mayor’s name without authorization? That is forgery and fraud!

It is a shame that he chooses to project his bad qualities onto people who appear to just be concerned with their municipal government and choose to act upon what they feel are wrongs.

Owensby’s credibility is zilch. The COGG has done nothing to diminish their reputation or credibility.

Tuesday, December 12

Oh Donna Donna Donna: Besides Perpetual Lying, So Naive to Boot

"I guess Herman was making a feeble attempt at intimidation. Once again he failed, as usual.

It goes to show you the level of intelligence and class that he has. ALL LOW.

After the water bottle banging trick he pulled at the last meeting, he brought in a big quart size bottle of water and sat it in front of himself, making a big production of it, picking it up and showing it to the crowd on a couple of occasions. It was a blatant expression of intimidation, as well as stupidly.

So you think the water bottle incident was a form of intimidation? tsk tsk. You think the very public request for a name clearing hearing is "fit of rage"? Well that is why Big Herm is an expert in Constitutional Law and you are an expert on the ......(I am not sure what esle Donna does but lie)... I don't of diminishing returns.

No wonder Donna Dills and Mayor Con keep getting their ass handed to them over and over and over within local, state and federal judicial venues. Not only are they just too stupid for their own good, their legal counsel is as well.

After Mayor Con denied his very public request for a hearing, she might as well put her head in a noose and pulled the lever. If so, I hope she has a copy of constitution in her hands when it goes down, just for the irony of it all. Does the Hammer of Damocles ring a bell?

Good God Donna Dills is stupid. I mean like without any practical knowledge of reality. Her and Mayor con are like two blind people jogging a marathon through a mine field each puffing on a carton of Pall Malls. KABOOOOOM. You two would light-up couple fags while working at a fireworks warehouse. I'm talking stare at the sun kind of stupid.

Big Herm has you right were he wants you and you two buffoons are two stupid to ever realize it. Unless Damocles decides to let go of the Hammer. Then you will certainly know.


Seeing things from a Different Angle

That is a great photo in the Post-Dispatch Article on Mayor Con's latest parliamentary gimmick from last night's Board meeting . The stunning profile of Coach Kenny Blowensme behind Mayor Con's new B-52-esque hairstyle is breathtaking. "Rock Lobester!"

You can also see Bob Herman if you look through Coach Kenny Blowensme's right ear.

I love the profile because you get a good shot of the Liberacci Line where Kenny's facsimile of human hair meets his authentic hair line. Kenny really does resemble Liberacci when you see him in that beautiful double-breasted suit coat courtesy of the Dickey's for Kids clothing line.

But I would like to pose a question to the board; Kenny Blowensme facsimile of human hair is pretty shaggy in the back and I am not quite sure if this particular hairpiece could be considered an actual mullet or a faux-Mullet. Is there a mullet category for a toupee?


Saturday, December 9

The Mythical World of the Amuzing Blue Eyed Goat

There is something to be said for consistency. In the case of the Amusing Blue Eyed Goat, that something is that she consistently lies. The great purveyor of Overland mythology. With her latest batch of mythical statements, we begin to wonder if the ORT's top lier Donna Dills feels threatened. Is the Goat making a play to be the ORT's number one lier?

Here is an old favorite myth straight from the Goat herself:

"There are people who cannot afford to pay that trash bill, most of them elderly."

We all know that myth is absolutely ridiculous. I have challenged the Goat several times to produce one, only one, case in which someone is losing their house because of the cost of trash service. I have even offered to pay for the Goat's trash service if she would produce one example of her "trash myth". She has produced nothing because her claim is not true.

Here she is again making empty claims:

"Right now in my opinion there are a few members on the council that have abused and are abusing their position on the board. Spending our money for personal use."

Please name the aldermen that in your opinion are spending "our" money for personal use. What monies and what personal use Goat? Be specific before spreading more of your bullshit.

We know the Goat has nothing and she will be as silent as Donna Dills when called out on a particular mythical construction of reality.

And here is a real beauty from the lying authoritarian Goat:

"One problem City Hall has from the top on down is people who don't keep their big mouths closed, talking to anybody who will listen and then."

It speaks for itself doesn't it? This is a problem for the goat because keeping one's mouth closed allows the Goat to continue lying. The problem is that the truthful accounts of people actually forced to endure Mayor Con's Administration refute the perpetual lying machine that is the Amusing Blue Eyed Goat.

In closing a word from Mr. Orwell who was all too in tune with authoritarian lies:

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

Monday, December 4

Vandals won’t get Christmas goat, Swedish officials say

STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) — For 40 years it has been torched, vandalized and maimed.

But officials in the Swedish city of Gavle are guaranteeing that this year’s giant straw Christmas goat — the victim of Sweden’s most violent yule tradition — will survive unscathed.

The 43-foot-high goat — a centuries-old yule symbol that preceded Santa Claus as the bringer of gifts to Swedish homes — has been burned down 22 times since it was first set up in 1966.

But officials think they have finally outsmarted the vandals by dousing the battered ram with flame-resistant chemicals normally used on airplanes.

"It is impossible to burn it to the ground this year, although you might be able to singe its paws," said Anna Ostman, a spokeswoman for the committee in charge of building the goat.

The company providing the fireproof treatment is so sure of its resilience that its spokesman, Freddy Klassmo, said that "not even napalm can set fire to the goat now."

For those who want to follow its fate, a 24-hour webcam has been set up to film the goat in Gavle, 90 miles north of Stockholm. The security guards that had watched over previous versions have been called off, Ostman said.

While the origins of the Christmas goat are unclear, the symbol is thought to date back to Norse mythology and the two goats that drew the carriage of Thor, the god of thunder.

Since 1966, just 10 of Gavle’s giant goats have survived beyond Christmas Day. Aside from being burned, several were beaten down and the 1976 goat was hit by a car.