Thursday, January 25

Waste Deep in the Big Ruddy

It was back in two thousand and six,
Chuck Pleaban promised a simple fix.
When the retainer ran low, Mark sent Tolen pro bono.
And in every case my argument received the deep six.

Now I'm -- waste deep in the Big Ruddy,
and Doogie says lets push on.

Through injunction I sought relief,
from the citizen's that I have caused such grief,
Supporters they are numberin' few, Doggie imagines a political coup,
Feels like when I got my ass handed to me by the Chief.

Now I'm -- waste deep in the Big Ruddy,
and Doogie says lets push on.

Monday, January 22

Mayor Purzner Godless Blasphemer: I swear to God Mike.......

Tonight Tonight! There is a council meeting tonight therefore I have written a small essay as a mission brief for those planning to attend. I swear to God, I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Everybody lies. It may only be “white” lies, but everyone tells lies or “omits the truth” sometimes. Most people do not offend God by telling lies using his name. Swearing to God is a measure of a person's veracity. No well meaning person would ever evoke God's name while knowingly telling a lie. To commit a heresy for personal gain is the province of a select few in our community.

We start lying at around age 4 to 5 when we gain an awareness of the use and power of language. This first lying is not malicious, but rather to find out, or test, what can manipulated in a child’s environment. Eventually children begin to use lying to get out of trouble or get something they want.

White lies, those concocted to protect someone’s feelings, are not a big deal at all. People, like Mayor Purzner, are compelled to lie about both the small and large stuff has a problem.

We often call these folks pathological liars or also known as the current Mayor of Overland (which is a description, not a diagnosis). She lies to protect herself, look good, gain financially or socially and avoid punishment. Quite often the person who has been deceived knows that this type of liar has to a certain extent deluded him or herself and is therefore to be somewhat pitied.

A much more troubling group is those who lie a lot — and knowingly — for personal gain which also include Mayor Ann Purzner. These people may have a diagnosis called antisocial personality disorder, also known as being a sociopath, and often get into scrapes with the law.

Lying often gets worse with the passage of time. When you get away with a lie it often impels you to continue your deceptions. Also, liars often find themselves perpetrating more untruths to cover themselves.

Why do we dislike liars, especially like Mayor Ann Purzner of Overland, Missouri, so much? It’s a matter of trust. When a person lies, they have broken a bond – an unspoken agreement to treat others as we would like to be treated. Serious deception often makes it impossible for us to trust another person again.

Avoidance of eye contact:
Usually someone makes eye contact at least half the time they are talking to you. If you notice them avoiding eye contact or looking down during a specific part of a conversation, they may well be lying.

Change of voice: A variation in pitch of voice or rate of speech can be a sign of lying. So can lots of umms and ahhs.

Body language. Turning your body away, covering your face or mouth, a lot of fidgeting of hands or legs can indicate deception.

Contradicting yourself:. Making statements that just don’t hold together should make you suspicious.

If you lie all the time, even about unimportant things, you are likely to have a problem that will eventually -- if it hasn’t already -- cause you real relationship, financial or legal troubles. Figuring out what is driving you to lie in the first place will help heal this self-destructive behavior. This may mean going into treatment with a therapist to discover why you feel the need to deceive.

So, come one and come all to tonight's council meeting and watch our lying Mayor exhibit each and every one of these aforementioned behaviors as well offending God to boot.

I swear to God Mike............

Thursday, January 18

Compliments of Mr. Casey

Can the will of the people truly be usurped so easily?
St. Louis Post-Dipatch

Monday, Jan. 15 2007

I was amazed by the Monday edition story saying recalls of politicians don’t usually work and the recent insanity going on in Overland. Imagine, with all the controversy and lawyer fees Mayor Purzner is incurring for that city, even the efforts of the citizens to recall such a controversial and disruptive figure from office might not succeed.

America applauded the Iraqis ‘purple finger’ as proof the Iraqis were ‘getting involved’ with democracy. Now, here in the heartland of America, Even after the St. Louis City Courts and the St. Louis Election gave support for the citizen’s complaints and efforts to allow all Overland residents a voice on the matter, Mayor Purzner’s attorney is attempting to fall back on some procedural inconsistency and not acknowledge that this particular public servant does not represent the people nor the direction Overland wishes to pursue.

What has Mayor Purzner accomplished since coming to office except to disrupt Overland official functions and run up tens of thousands of dollars of legal expenses for the voters?

I continue to read in the Post-Dispatch of how Purzner lied about being a nurse; how she was found to have violated the state’s open meeting law; how she tried illegally to remove the police chief — just what does Mayor Purzner have to do before she is removed from office and the will of the people allowed to be heard?

Noel Meyer

St. Louis

Tuesday, January 9

Contempt for Service: Why do Kenny Blowensme and Dick Kmode Hate America so much?

Well, if anyone had doubts about the veracity of Mayor Con's word or the contempt shown to our service men and women by Kenny "the Coward" Blowensme and Dicky "Yeeeees Dear" Kmode, last night's council meeting should have cleared things up.

Mayor Ann "the Con" Purzner is a pathological liar bent on circumventing the expressed will of Overland residents. I am not sure if Donna Dills is rubbing-off on Mayor Con or if Mayor Con is rubbing-off on Donna Dills, (sort of a chicken or egg thing) but one thing is clear to anyone with a shred of integrity, Mayor Con and her ORTian cretins will put their personal dysfunctions ahead of the greater good every time.

The following is from a KMOV interview conducted by Mike O'Connell with Mayor "the LIAR" Con after last night's failed aldermen meeting.

Mike O'Connell:

"Mayor were your council allies not here tonight to block any type of action on the recall?"

Mayor Con: "I don't know, honest to God I have not get...checked my answering machine so if they called me I have no idea..... I was.. I was.... just as in the dark as anybody else Mike."

Nearly twenty-four hours later, I continue to be at a loss for words to describe this unequivocal bold-face lie given to us from Mayor Con. Check your answering machine? Who the f do you think you are kidding lady. Well I guess you think you are kidding God because you evoked his name as a defense for your compulsive lying.

You are so done. You can cry, kick and scream. You can tell Kenny "the Coward" and Dicky "Yes, Dear" to not show-up. Try whatever little schemes and dime store political maneuvers you cook-up with Downstown Brown and Ruddy. Tell as big a lie as you and Donna Dills can think-up? Pretend that the petition was fraudulently collected? Do whatever you need to do to get yourself through the night, but remember this dumbass.....You're goose is cooked lady.


I am also disappointed in the utter contempt Dicky and Kenny demonstrate towards our political institutions and more importantly, the men and women of the American Armed Forces. Knowing the a remembrance to honor those who are serving and have served, Cowardly Kenny and Diminutive Dick don't show-up. Was this some sort of cruel joke to demonstrate the degree in which you loath America?

Shameful gentlemen, shameful. I expect more out of our people who pretend to serve America. What self-respecting Civil War rein-actor would show such contempt for the ideals of our country? A Seventh Day Adventist and a cackling rug doctor, that is who.

But, now that I think of it, I would cower from the public also if I was responsible for this mess. Especially Kenny. Not only does he pretend that he is the mayor, he also hides behind the Mayor like the coward that he is and always will be.

They say, "A coward dies a thousand deaths, a hero only one." I wonder, by this time in his self-loathing existence, how close to one thousand is Kenny Blowensme?

Sunday, January 7

Get It While You Can, Brother Get It While You Can

They say people don't appreciate things in their lives until they are gone. All things must pass. And if you love someone "set them free", if they return "set them on fire". I was recently watching the un-edited video of Sadam Hussein's execution when I realized the end of the Purzner Era was a little more than a few months away.

Including tonight's scheduled performance of ORTstravaganza, less than ten council meetings remain in Mayor Con's Freak Show. Fortunately, this show will not be held over; here or in Alton for that matter. It is time to send these carnival barkers packing. Fold-up your revival tent, tell Kenny to roll-up the rugs, someone get Wanda back into the trailer and get out the f out of town.

So let me take this opportunity to remind everyone who enjoy a good train-wreck, bad dinner theater or are simply fascinated with Kenny's fashion sense, to not miss tonight's Council Meeting.

January 8, 2007

City Council Meeting

7:30 P.M. Resident comments
8:00 P.M. Who Knows.

This weeks performance will probably be held in the Munch-mahal but you know how that goes.

(Yes I know Mayor Con will leave City Hall only under three very specific conditions: in cuffs, in straight-jacket or in a box. Humor me.)

Wednesday, January 3

Dead Mayor Walking

Election board certifies vote to recall Overland mayor

By Sonia Ahuja, Suburban Journals

Overland residents will vote in April on whether or not Mayor Ann Purzner will be removed from office.

Joseph A. Goeke III, the Republican director of the St. Louis County Board of Elections, said Tuesday morning the recall measure has been certified to be on the April 3 election ballot in Overland.

"It's going to be on the ballot unless there is some court action stopping it," Goeke said.

When reached by phone Tuesday morning, Purzner said she was not yet aware of the action.

"How can they do that?" she said. "We needed a 5-3 vote to pass an ordinance.

"I see no good reason for a recall election," she added. "I am not guilty of anything."

Citizens of Overland for Good Government collected more than 4,000 signatures on petitions to put the measure on the ballot, more than the 2,500 required for a recall election in the city.

The group says Purzner has not conducted meetings according to city ordinances and Robert's Rules of Order, has exposed the city to lawsuits and apparently wants to limit public discussion.

When Mark Giroux, president of the group, was told by a North County Journals reporter of the certification, he said was not yet aware the election board had put the measure on the ballot.

"I know there must be some movement toward that direction, but I have not received any information yet as to what's happened," Giroux said. "If this is the case, you've made my day."

Giroux said he did not want to comment further until he receives a letter confirming a recall election from the election board.

Goeke said the election board received certification papers from Overland on Dec. 19.

"(The city) certified the signatures and filed some paperwork," he said.

Goeke said a letter notifying the city of the recall election was mailed Dec. 29.

Overland City Clerk Linda Downs said Tuesday the city has not yet received the letter.