Monday, July 31

The verdict is NOT in

The judge heard arguments from both sides where five citizens of Overland brought a court case against the city this afternoon. She is expected to rule at a later date. However, the TRO that stated that all meetings must be held at the community center is still in effect until that ruling comes down.

New low for the mayor in hearings: Purzner argues that she doesn't have the power to move the meetings to the community center.

Why this is funny:

She has never tried to move the meetings. In fact, she threatened to fire any employee that would set up the meetings at the CC.


When the MAJORITY of the city council requested that the meetings be moved, she refused.

Blaming the city council for not doing something she wouldn't allow to happen is courtesy of Doug Rudman. For those of you who don't remember that name, that was the attorney Purzner initially tried to appoint to Herman's position back in April.

Questions yet to be answered:

  • Will tonight and tomorrow's "special" meetings be cancelled?
  • Will there be any other “special” meetings scheduled before the August 14th regular CC meeting?
  • Will the ORT boycott the August 14 meeting?

Saturday, July 29

ORTian World View

It must be nice to have the ORTian view of the world. Everything Kmode, Owensby and Sellout does is great--regardless of its legality or lack of decorum. However, everything anyone else does is met by scorn. Heck, they would think a year in the brig for jaywalking would be appropriate.

Gravy stated that such a view must be from pretty little pills. Can such a black-and-white view come from good hallucinogens? Me thinks the problem is a lack of medication, specifically anti-psychotics.

And the term "world view" is probably better than Overland-view. Last night DannyInfector admitted he doesn't live in Overland. He/she and Pickles are your typical outside agitators. They come in, stir the pot and cause trouble. Their only solution is "bow down to the mayor" mixed in with a condescending attitude. Pickles has previously given us a "better than you" and "here to help the poor masses" attitude.

This revelation just begs the question: Does anyone inside the city of Overland support Purzner?

Friday, July 28

Post of the Week Winner for 7/28/2006: E.J. Lucky Cantrell

I am glad we are on this topic. I have a few things that really kill me.... oh yea, I'm dead. Well, they used to kill me:

People who have big yards and still insist on using public parks.

People who can afford to drive their trash to the landfill and still utilize the City's trash service.

People with hoses who call the fire department.

People who know kung fu and still call the police.

People who have accounts on and still visit the Heidbrink branch of the St. Louis County library.

People with cars who make their kids ride the school bus.

Kids with legs who ride the school bus.

Its all gravy baby but the poor got to eat too.

The Most OutRageous Lie of the Week

"I wish Danny had not use that word, I didn't say anything because I thought it was a typo.", Amuzing Goat.

Thursday, July 27

What’s happening at ORT headquarters

Friends, gather round—for I am about to provide you a peek inside the secret world of the ORT.

Overland Watch publisher’s meeting

  • Check RFT for contact names and numbers of escort services and find-a-dates that could possibly also advertise in OW.
  • Find way to spin recent power outages as Herman’s fault.
  • Article on impending doom of the Majority Four when they miss three meetings.
  • Owensby and Knode promise public notice advertising from the city.
  • Sellers wakes up to agree.
  • Call Localite and taunt them that they will soon be out of business.
  • Check if Lion’s Club wants to place another ad.
  • Pickles asks to be highlighted in next issue as ‘Non-Resident of the Month’
  • Sellers wakes up to agree.

Snack break to eat some of the leftover donations from power outage.

Internet discussion group.

  • Using multiple names to give appearance that Ann has more than 5 supporters.
  • The “Ann won” strategy when losing an online argument
  • How to effectively use baseless accusations
  • Self-promotion

Lunch at Mandarin House.
Charge tab to favored trash company.

Another snack break, more leftovers.
Overheard comment “Frozen pizzas just aren’t as good from the microwave.”

Meeting with lawyers.
Agenda: discuss how to use photos of community center floor in upcoming hearing.

Pre-supper snack.
Pickles provides a demonstration of her mastery of the PBJ.

Making plans to drive by city-hall protestors and moon them.

My sources? Well, I know a friendly ghost or two who has privy to such happenings. Of course, I may not have gotten all the details.

Are there any ghosts or others who may have additional insight? Please feel free to share.

Wednesday, July 26

Keep Your Filthy Hands Off My Desert!.

Glad to see the compassion demonstrated by Mayor Con’s top confidant, Sweaty “Dillweed” Pickle. In the aftermath of the storm, Sweaty stood in harms way with a bologna raised in one hand and a middle finger raised in the other. She concludes, if you own a computer then you should be able to pay for your own trash service.

Although demonstrating generosity beyond most in the eye of the storm, Sweaty still has enough energy to judge the worthiness of her “neighbor’s” losses through her congenital paternalism.

Sweaty believes that unless you look like you stepped off the movie set for “The Grapes of Wrath”, “Oliver” or selling pencils on the street corner then your claims for storm damage assistance are not worthy. Sweaty’s kind love to be compassionate as long as the recipients know their place.

“There will be jobs in California, Good jobs George.”

“Can you spare six pence for a crust of bread kind sir?”

Oh, the luxury of being poor is tempting when you some of these folks in a line for food. Prada bags, Gucci Loafers, Rolex Watches, Ferigamo ties, etc… Knock-off products are never to be found. It is all designer label with the indigent.

How dare these poor folks try to enjoy the same type of lifestyle as those who live in the Plywood Jungle of St. Charles County. Sweaty moved from Overland to get away from such riff-raff. Now she is standing knee deep with the wretched and is pissed that they look just like her. Sweaty is pure zero-sum.

A final point. I have heard the following sentiment expressed throughout several quarters of our community. The story goes something like this. Every "Old Timer" I talk to says that they can't remember the electricity ever being out this long. Something is wrong. Sound Familiar. They also can't remember where their keys are, but that is another issue. Do any of the "old timers" also remember the use of electricy growing by a factor of ten during the past 50 years? Do the old timers also remember that 2/3 of St. Louis County was undeveloped 50 years ago? The amount of electric wire has grown by,...gee alot. Even poor people have electricity these days.

I don't mean to be pissy but that fact that something has not happened in the past has no relation to the probability of it happening now. Maybe you were lucky in the past. Maybe you also remember the Legion pool being a safe and sanitary place to drop the kids off. Who knows.

Monday, July 24

Faux Nurse Round 3

Today’s 11:00 news has done two teasers about people working in the medical field with fake credentials. This will be a story carried on tonight’s 9:00 news. Is this THE story that we have been told to tune into? It surely has relevance to our mayor. I know many legitimate RNs, LPNs, et al are outraged over the mayor’s false assertions that she is a nurse.

How does the ORT defend this? Well, they don’t. Her defenders (i.e. Donna Dill) will be post things like “I’ll give you a clue: her middle name is Ann.” Oh, stop the bullshit. You are too old to act so coy! If her supposed college degrees and nursing license is under a different name provide us with that name.

This is the technology age. We can do searches on professional registry databases by last name and zip code. Wait, don’t tell me. She doesn’t live in Overland? Wait, it’s under her work address. Well, she worked at Overland Medical Center and that would be the same zip.

The silly part of this whole issue is that being a nurse has nothing to do with valid credentials to the mayor of Overland. Why does she mention it in her campaign materials? Is it an attempt to create some sort of legitimacy? A lie like this can only backfire in your face.

Thursday, July 20

The Day the Music Died.

The silence from the Ort Cloud is deafening. Defeat upon defeat has brought their delusional view of the world to its knees. How could everyone else in the world be wrong when we are right? Ann won. Since taking office Ann has collected two County Judges and a County Prosecutor who, "just don't like her". If they only knew the law the way our Attorney Nurse Practitioner Mayor knows the law, Ann would win these pitch battles against her constituents.

You know those County Judges can be summed up in one word, "sore losers".

Speaking of "sore losers", there is a misconception among the Ortinians that the majority opposition in Overland have somehow lost something and therefore are "sore losers". If keeping score at home, I have the Mayor winning the election and then joining her Ortian cabal as they embarked on what is now a four month hitless streak. Some may blame the Ortinians for the poor performance. Some blame obstructionists in her opposition.

The Mayor won against two people not on the current board and has never ran against any memeber of current Board. The fact that Mayor Con squeezed out a City wide victory has no bearing on how members of the majority opposition represent the citizens within their ward. The same can be said of Dick Knode and K. Blowensme.

I won't come down on the ORT too hard here. It is not their fault for being so unsuccessful. Let us not forget, the ORT is the minority party on the board. Minority parties rarely do well because they do not posses the votes to formulate policy within the structural framework of the institutions. Funny to me how precise the vote counters in the ORT were during general election but seem oh so challenged with vote counting while serving on the Board.

Any one care to join me in singing a few lines of the classic song, "Born to Lose"?

Community Center will be Cooling Center for Residents without Power/AC

I could have probably posted this as a comment, but wanted to make sure this got noticed.

The community center, city hall and the police department all have electricity. I spoke with Chief Herron this morning and he was making arrangements to have the Community Center be used as a cooling center for the many area residents without power and/or air conditioning.
Obviously, those without power will not be able to read this. But, please spread the word to those you speak with who may be suffering.

Major round of applause to the city police department for their actions and reactions to last night's storm. Only one dispatcher on duty to take a multitude of calls that were coming in. Many streets were/are blocked, signal lights are out, and power lines were down.

One important note on why our police department is so great: many officers living in/around the city reported in immediately (without being called). There is no amount of salary, benefits or thanks that can reward that type of dedication and service to the community.

Wednesday, July 19

Queen Abdicates Position on Meeting Location

According to KMOV, Channel 4:

Queen Ann Purzner has stated that all future meetings will be held at the Community Center. This was in response to a lawsuit brought by several citizens of Overland. Channel 4 reported that there was no word on when the next meeting will be held.
One can only assume tonight's meeting is cancelled since there was not time to set up the gym at CC for a meeting.

three absences rule

I urge all Overland citizens to contact city hall and demand immediate implementation of Mayor Purzners three absences rule. I also urge all Overland city resdents to demand that Mayor Purzner remove council persons Knode and Sellers for their absences from three city council meetings each.

Tuesday, July 18

Ken Blowensme and Dick Knode: two cowardly peas in an ORT-ian pod.

I would love to argue the following was born out of keen political strategy. I would love to say that the ORT Cloud is being disingenuous. The sad part of the story is they actually believe the following delusional construct.

The essay is full of typographical and grammatical errors. The errors are too many to list. This is not due to carelessness on the behalf of the ORT. I wish it did. It is becoming obvious that they actually don’t know they making mistakes. I fear that the following missive written by the Mayor’s intellectually under-equipped scribe clearly demonstrates that the ORT’s ignorance does not stop at the shores of good grammar. Actually, these misanthropes believe this crap. They believe they are in compliance with the law. They actually believe their budget is a fair reflection of the City’s priorities. The actually believe Ken Blowesnme is acting rationally when doing his Chris Farely impersonation at BoA meetings. Shine on Your Crazy Diamond Ken, Shine on.

Update July 18, 2006

At the Council Meeting of July 10, 2006, former City Attorney Herman’s 4 Councilmen May, O’Connell, Corcoran and Schneider refused to pass the 2006/2007 budget.

Robert Herman is the current City Attorney for Overland. He does not represent the individual Councilmen. Ken Blowensme loves to pretend that Herman is not the City attorney during meetings. Its where he expresses his Cocker Rage Syndrome.

Herman has actively and openly used these four Councilmen to control the deadlock that is now occurring at City Hall. He is purposely engineering the bad publicity that is being generated by the former adversaries in the mayoral campaign.

Herman does not control anyone. The four Councilmen that the ORT continues to demonstrate contempt toward are acting on their own accord and are representing their constituents as they see fit. Here is one of the largest fallacies of the ORT and their supporters. They refuse to acknowledge that Overland citizens may disagree with their policies in good faith and that preference is being championed by their representatives. Questioning the motives of a political opponent is one of the easiest dime store rhetorical devices; thus its popularity with the ORT.

Herman does not care about how bad he makes Overland appear in the press since once he uses his “protesters” to make a mockery out of our town, he then retires to his mansion in Frontenac.

No one in the Community would know who Bob Herman was if not but for the fact that the ORT continues to act in bad faith and placing the City in jeopardy through their lack of political acumen. Who cares where Bob Herman lives. Well I know four people who are obsessed with Mr. Herman’s residence. Here we gain some keen insight into the jealousy the ORT members have for successful people. I’ve seen Mr. Herman’s house and only someone with a brain as small as Knode and Blowensme (combined) would think it a mansion.

“Golly Ken, I never seen a house that big accept at the moving pictures show.”

“Your not kidding there Dick. I bet the president or one of the Rockefellers lives there. With that kind of wealth, I bet he even pays for his own trash pick-up. I’m serious Dick, we are talking big money here.”

“Ken it is blowing me mind. He is as wealthy as Jefferson Davis. We better get back to the City. I’m getting scared”

Instead of these former supporters of Conlon and Kientzel being “good sports” and working with the new Mayor and her administration they have shown a new definition of the word “poor loser” to the community and it’s children.

What the hell does the current situation have anything to do with Conlon and Kientzel? Just like Goat and Pickle, they love a good grudge. And POOR LOSER is two words you freaking knucklehead. God bless America…..Idiots.

“good sports”? Who would even write something so god awful stupid. Wait I know someone, Ken Blowensme is that stupid. Good sports? Again, the critical ORTIAN fallacy that the constituents of her opposition either do not exist in her mind or do not matter raises its ugly head.

At the July 10 Council meeting Councilmen O’Connell and Schneider demanded another meeting be held of the Budget Committee. It was held on Thursday July 13, 2006.

As the gentlemen who were trying to participate in a compromise clearly told the Mayor they could not make the meeting during the July 10 Council meeting. Rather than attempting to work with these gentlemen towards a compromise by accommodating their schedule, the ORT purposely chose to hold meeting on July 13th.

I am sorry I can’t let this go. The following is for whoever the literacy challenged author of the Mayors missive is pay attention. The proper manner to denote a date in English is as follows: Thursday,(comma) July 13, (comma), 2006.

One item was changed in the budget and an emergency meeting was planned for Monday July 17, 2006.


On July, 2006 not one of the Herman 4 showed up for the emergency Council Meeting. Mr. Herman read letters from the missing Councilmen telling that they would not attend any other meetings until their demands were met.

Their demand, hold the council meetings in good faith in the largest location at your disposal. They are demanding that you attempt to comply with the law rather that splitting hairs in bad faith in the hope of implementing your cowardly policies in private.

A question was asked by one the Councilman present. The question was,

-Are you legally representing these four Councilmen who did not show up Mr. Herman?


The Councilmen was Ken Blowensme. But he doesn’t have the fortitude to put his name with his ridiculous question. He did not respond because the question was so so stupid that it did not merit a response. You see Ken is a coward who lashes out at anyone with a modicum of success due to Ken’s utter lack thereof. He has several personality disorders of which cowardice is not one. The cowardice is spread throughout his actions.

“John Hancock, Eat your heart out.”, Ken Blowensme.

The Council Meeting had to be adjourned due to a lack of a quorum.

The Meeting never started due to a lack of a quorum. Here the Ortian Brain Trust is really showing their command of procedural rules. A quorum is necessary to start a meeting. How can a meeting that never started be adjourned?

Herman’s 4 Councilmen have deprived the residents of their respective Wards of the representation each deserves. Each claims that the residents of their Ward can afford to pay for trash pickup. Unfortunately many residents that we have talked with feel differently.

The ability to pay for ones trash pickup is not a claim. Regardless of Knode and Blowensme’s financial situation, there are many well paid professionals that own houses and are fully capable of paying the full cost of their property’s maintenance. You don’t need to live in one of those Ross Perot type mansions in Frontenac either. The many residents you talk to that cannot pay for their trash pickup should not own homes. Or, here is an idea complete foreign to the ORT, cooperation. If two or three indigent residents could pool their resources they could share a can and the associated costs. Cooperation with neighbors. Crazy isn’t it Ken?

The Herman 4 sent letters to Mayor Purzner claiming that they will no longer meet in the Council Chambers. This violates Overland Ordinance 110.150.

The ORT provides another demonstration of the lack of knowledge in regard to basic high school civics. Here we really see that they believe this garbage because who in this Nation doesn’t understand the state and federal law supersedes local law when they conflict. Given the Sunshine Law is a State Law it supersede (that means replaces Ken) the local ordinance cited by our Nurse Attorney Mayor. Act in good faith and have the freaking meetings in the Munch-ma-Hall. Idiots.

Herman’4 cannot claim a violation of the sunshine laws, only that they are dissatisfied that a few of their cronies did not get huge pay increases. They would rather have their friends get big increases in pay rather than to provide trash pickup and other services for the 17,000 residents in Overland

Cronies, eh? The head administrator for the City of Overland is calling current employees of the City cronies. No Class. No sophistication. No one believes you. I am sure the ORT is preparing to institute a merit based civil service personnel policy. They probably would now that I think of it. How in the world could these four rustle-up people who would admit to being their friend.

And we all know your trash proposal falls way way short of the existing and previous trash services. Won’t it be interesting when all of the free trashers come to realize your deception.

Mr. Herman and HIS four Councilmen are now holding the City Hostage until their demands are met.

We urge you to contact these four Councilman and tell them to do their Councilman duties and to pass the Mayor’s budget that includes restoring free trash pickup to the people of Overland.

You may call them at:

Mr. May-423-4913

Mr. O’Connell – 428-0978

Mr. Corcoran – 517-4584

Mr. Schneider – 427-3166


Councilman Richard Knode-Ward 1

Council Tom Sellers-Ward 2

Councilman Ken Owensby.

Why no numbers for these brave Councilman. There are young men putting there life on the line for representative democracy and responsive government and these three cowards can’t even put themselves on the line for the policies they believe are correct. Ken you are probably the biggest political coward I have ever witnessed. Knode is just plain stupid and I know the SAT was no friend of yours, but have enough respect and fortitude to address the other members of the council by their titles. I know it is hard for you to be respectful to successful people, but try. It is ok Ken. I promise know one will pull that wig off of your head in a heated round of duck duck goose. Still raging against those mean kids on the playground. Get some help Ken.

How can you be so disrespectful as a minority on the Council? Understand that most of the calls to the numbers listed will be in support of blocking your delusional policy and silly games.

Bottom line, pathetic.

Monday, July 17

The Non-Meeting 7/17/2006

The meeting scheduled for tonight was a non-starter due to a lack of quorum. Here is a synopsis of the happenings:

Roll Call was started.

When May’s name was called, Herman read a letter from him. It stated that the meeting being held in City Hall was a known violation of the Sunshine Law despite warnings from the city lawyer. The letter also stated that the meetings at Wild Acres were also a violation (as cars were turned away). He concluded by saying he would not attend another meeting until they are held at the community center.

This resulted in applause from the audience. Killjoy Knode urged the chief to remove anyone who was speaking out of order. The Chief said he would obey any lawful order from the mayor.

There was also a letter from O’Connell read by Herman. It also stated the same points out unlawful meetings due to Sunshine Law provisions not being met.

This reading was interrupted by Owensby. The people asked that Owensby be removed since he was out of order (first comedy highlight of the meeting). This is met with Knode begging the chief to remove folks from the chambers. Now, mind you there was no quorum so it was a non-meeting and everyone knew it at this point. Secondly, Knode has no power over the chief. The directions must come from the mayor (who did not direct the chief to remove anyone).

Then Corcoran’s name was read. Owensby flipped his wig that Linda Downs skipped his name. He then proceeded to threaten Linda and her livelihood. This started a whole new group of protests from the audience.

Next a letter was read by Herman from Schneider. His letter had the citizen petition attached requesting that meetings be made accessible and be held at the community center.

Killjoy Knode then jumps in and asks why Herman received the letters and if he was representing the four councilmen personally. Herman replied that he represents all of Overland. Knode then claims that Herman is NOT the city attorney. This is met with loud disapproval from the audience. One guy, in the front row, jumps up and claims then they are not our city council people. Knode again asks the chief to remove them. The man says “Why bother, let’s go folks! There will be no meeting tonight, anyway” and 88% of the audience leaves.

Ann then reads a prepared statement (as we know she doesn’t do well on the fly). It states that she wasn’t aware of their feelings on this issue until 3:00 today and that wasn’t sufficient time to change the meeting location. Oh yes, it would be so hard to redirect the people next door (where there cars are parked anyway)! She also stated that missing three meetings would be cause to remove anyone from office.

The meeting was adjourned due to a lack of quorum.

Someone asks why the ORT was still in office as they have all missed three meetings.

Bob Dody asks why there have been no bids for all of the changes in the budget. He mentions things like insurance, trash, etc. Ann’s only response to Dody was that he was no longer in office. Damn Ann! He is still a citizen of this city and has every right to address his elected officials, however obnoxious they may act.

And remember, “Go out for bid” was Owensby’s favorite words when Dody was mayor. He wanted him to go out for bids on everything, even toilet paper! So, Dody mentioning this is a very valid point. How many of these new vendors are a FOA (Friend of Ann) or worse yet a FOB (Friend of Mark Brown)?

The meeting was pointless anyway. There was no new budget to vote on. The meeting was being held in a place too small for typical crowds. Yet, all in all, it was a very entertaining 15 minutes.

The death of ovpoliwatch... 91 and counting

Is not happening. I would like to announce that Gravy Crane and Suzyjax have been made team members and can now post to the main blog as well as continue posting comments to other peoples posts.
Overland sailor welcome to the site, Once upon a time when I first naively started this site I tried (really honestly go back and read the first few posts) to be neutral and unpartisan. But I found it impossible to not be true to myself and call the mayor and her cronies on their bulls#it. So the blog has become what it is today. Things have slowed down some as the mayor (I hope) has realized she has painted herself in a corner. Who knows... Her and her cronies may try something tonight. It may be like a roller coaster and now that we all think it's nice and quiet and the ride is smooth we don't see that 60ft drop ahead.

So I will see everyone at city hall. Remember this meeting falls under the rules of the sunshine law also so if you cannot get in call the county prosecutors office.

Friday, July 14

you're out of order...

OK sorry I have been very busy getting stuff in line so I have not been able to make the posts I have wanted to.

I told you that I would hand over the passwords to the site before I left, If you want a password drop me an e-mail at Don't try and make anything of the yahoo name it's a random combination that was generated for me years back when I was in college as a username.

what can I say if things keep going like they are we won't need to recall Ann Prisoner. She has how many criminal investigations against her already? Once she is in custody we could have teh president pro tem move for impeachment and send her on her way.

Too bad the damge is already done...

Friday, July 7

The finest political sarcasm in town... 100 and counting

We have been accused of being mean spirited and they say that my readers/ contributors don't realize that this blog is muckracking and stupidity at its best. So for all of you who don't realize that I want you to write John Does blog is muckracking and stupidity at its best 100 times. (but not in the comments section I know you guys)
Mean spirited? C'mon honey get with the times. Comedy has been mean spirited since the days of Lenny Bruce. And even then before Lenny Bruce it was mean spirited, it was just corny in it's mean spirited-ness.
Music has demanded an apology from me, I say to here it was a joke get a sense of humor, it's not like I actually accused her of a crime like Donna accused me of.
Mean spirited...
Please comedy isn't mean spirited. Jokes like how did Helen Kellers parents punish here? They moved the furniture . Are so friendly and nice