Farewell Great Citizen

Today is the day! One of our finest residents is leaving town. Goodbye John Doe and a huge thanks for providing this forum.
And on that note, I leave you with the following:
I'm so glad we had this time together
Just to have a laugh, or sing a song.
Seems we just get started and before you know it
Comes the time we have to say, “So long".
hee hee excellent photo Suzyjax.
Once again, best of luck to you and your wife, John Doe.
Wow, Sweetpickles has me nailed to a T. Come up and say hi next time you see me. I sometimes drool when I mumble to myself. Ugly Betty has nothing on me. I don't mind being ugly and homely, it keeps people at bay.
I had a great laugh about Sweetpickles calling somebody ugly and crazy looking......she must have been looking in her cracked mirror when she typed that. Sweetipickles, seriously, you are very nasty looking, you should be the last person to call somebody else ugly. Your face looks like a Bull Dog. LOL....too funny
Fine Wine I saw the discussion about scanner hobby and such. Though it is legal to listen in on police radio communications the law is a bit cryptic on what you can publicly use from such communications. Doing so for "Personal Gain" is a no no, but what is personal gain, or more to the point, what can a lawyer twist it into meaning? There are also individual state variations to consider. Ultimately I imagine it's better to simply avoid the issue and not disclose anything (though being the signal is transmitted via publicly funded radios I wonder if there are any FOIA / Sunshine issues here).
However, since there was a brief reference to phone conversations I wanted to mention that using a scanner to listen in on Cell Phones, Cordless Phones, Personal Intercom systems, etc is illegal period. I'm not suggesting you are doing this, only pointing out that the act itself is illegal regardless of whether or not a person doing so chose to disclose what they might have been heard.
Also, when it comes to Cell phones, not only is listening to such transmissions illegal but modifying a scanner to do so is also illegal and it is illegal to sell equipment capable of doing so in the U.S..
I find it a pretty sad state of affairs, when a person’s life is reduced to listening to Police Scanners for enjoyment. And they constantly tell others to "get a life". I guess it brightens up their dull day to live vicariously thru other people's lives.
I was surprised to find out you took your eyes of my ass long enough to notice how unattractive I am. That was four to six weeks ago, yet the image burns fresh in your mind. You probably can't forget the first time you saw me. Me walking into community center. You seeing me in the reflection off the trash dumpster lid behind City Hall as you searching for the next used fag to smoke.
Well, I may be as unattractive as Joseph Merrick. Not for me to say. But there is one thing I know. And that is that you will never ever find me riding the streets of Overland in the middle of the night with Kenny Blowensme. I bet your heart was all-a-flutter when Kenny pulled the car over, slipped off his toupee and moved in for a little "paradise by the dash board lights", if you know what I'm saying.
Good thing Kenny's ride has a full bench seat, eh Sweaty.
When i was a kid, i was taught to always respect people and more importantly to not use my age as a rhetorical crutch. I was taught the old cliche. Respect must be earned. I should always be respectful to others who are respectful of me.
Finally, I was taught to have no respect for those who lie, cheat and steal whether my property or not. But probably the disrespect for liars was most important.
So regardless of your age, self-loathing liars who seek to gain personal advantage through deceit (see Carol Sparks) will always draw my contempt.
Recording telephone conversations and intercepting wireless communications (like the radio signal between a cordless handset and its base-unit) are two separate issues. Also, as we all know federal law trumps state statue.
Federal Law (specifically ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS PRIVACY ACT) criminalizes using a scanner to monitor phone conversations. The code itself is extremely difficult to decipher (ironic considering the connection to the Federal COMMUNICATIONS Commission). However, numerous scanner fan sites and the like break it down for ya like
this one.
Penalties for the intentional interception of cordless and cellular telephone calls range from fines to imprisonment depending on the circumstances.
Now when it comes to taping conversations (telephone or otherwise) Federal Law requires "one party consent" meaning one active participant in a conversation has to consent to taping (not all). Though some States have two party consent laws (meaning all parties must consent to taping), Missouri is a one party consent state, as seen here. (from the page Bear63114 linked to arlier).
What does one party consent mean? That one person actively participating in a conversation has to consent to it being taped. That's it. There is no requirement to disclose that you're taping or get consent from the other participants once you have the OK from one.
Also, If you are actively participating in a conversation with others and you are taping that conversation you obviously consent and so you fulfill the one party consent requirements.
This is not the be all / end all as there are other possible restrictions (both federal and state) depending on what is being taped. For example if you're attempting to tape a trial, a government hearing, closed meeting of a public body, etc. other legal restrictions apply whether you are a consenting participant or not (like certain Council people covertly taping executive session meetings in Overland'.
Spontaneous laughter is good for you. I am probably adding months to your life with each post. Glad to see you appreciate decent satire.
Yes my dear it has been nice being perfect, so far that is. Some see it as a burden but I think of it more as a celebration. As is normally the case, you reply to items that do not exist in my posts.
I've never committed any of these things in my post you say. Well, I guess I would have to agree with you. I have never committed a thing. The word "commit" is a verb used to define one's level of interest in a particular action or agreement.
I call you a liar due to the constant lying. Although a liar, Sweaty is more genuine. She actually believe what she says and above all she has enough integrity not to post conversations with herself.
I certainly don't believe that my contributions here earn anyone's respect.
You respect all people but to varying degrees. Not doubt that is true. Passive-aggressive jerks always change their level of respect towards others. It is called being disingenuous. Agreed, Carol allocates her scarce cache of respect depending on her need to manipulate and control. For me respect is a binary condition. I either respect you or I don't.
Question, are you spelling your name "Carole" with an "e" as another ploy or do you actually spell it that way. I may be wrong in not including the "e". If so I apologize and will adjust.
Glad to also see you specifically placing child molesters at top your hierarchy of respect. Which probably reads like the Divine Comedy's first "canticas". So you would have more respect for someone that randomly murdered a child as opposed to someone who randomly molests a child.
I didn't publish a list of humans and assign level of respect, so that is why child molesters are not on a list. See I use the more general condition of not respecting liars and thereby capturing a whole host of unsavory characters, including child molesters.
There is no temporal component to demonstrating and earning respect. The process is more of a symbiotic and simultaneous occurrence. I don't have a score board at the Honey Comb Hideout.
You shouldn't feel hate towards "busting-my-bubble" as the aforementioned bubble only exists within your head and your thoughts.
Feel free to destroy whatever you chose to fabricate into a belief system.
Why would you keep so passionately playing this "stale game" if you are not Carol? Defending her honor are you? If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, talks like a duck......
(Speaking of world class liars,didn't Dan Rather say that during in General Westmoreland's suit against 60 Min?)
In closing, I apologize to Overland Sailor for this post in terms of content and length. I am sure it was tough reading the entire contents.
Please forgive any grammatical and or typographical errors. It is sort of a "one draft" kind of day.
Someone is forcing Ken Owensby to wear a wig? That is astounding. Maybe it is air traffic control at Lambart, but I never met someone who had to wear a wig.
I want everyone to know that I have always been a huge fan of Betty Bearcat.
You're apologizing to me for a post's length?!? LOL I'd imagine I'm the last one who should get an apology for that when you consider my typical tome-like posts. :-)
FineSwine Blue Goat,
LOL....your diatribe about people listening to scanners was hysterical. You are a quite the trip lady.
Once again, you have a horrible reading comprehension problem, I said I was ugly, homely and mumble to myself whilst making ugly faces at Sweetpickles and her motley crew. So I never said I was perfect, that is another lie you coughed up. Oh yes, I also drool sometimes when I mumble and talk to myself at Council Meetings. My book bag Suzyjax gave me is loaded with Kleenex to mop up my slop. :-O Sweetipickles also mentioned my crazy eyes “oooooo those eyes” she said, Marty Feldman has nothing on NGIT. I am so hideously ugly, mothers grab their children and cross the street when they see me coming. But then again, Sweetpickle’s assessment of me came from a woman who makes a Bull Dog look beautiful.
Once again, you have missed the point, you people on Overlandchat. You people constantly tell us here on OVCC "to get a life". I was merely pointing out having "a life" to me is NOT sitting around listening to other peoples lives on a scanner and living vicariously thru them. I guess I should have just said something more simplistic like the ole "isn't that the pot calling the kettle black" sort of cliché. But I guess I went a little over your heads and comprehension skills....sigh I will try and communicate more on a 1st grade level for you people over at the Overlandchat board.
See Spot run, run Spot run. Is that better?
You suck too. I don't give a rat’s ass what you think of me, you mean absolutely nothing to me. You are an ass just like your ignorant lying friend Sweetpickles. You two are one and the same. So eff off you ignoramus. I knew your true self would surface sooner or later. Go drink your cocktails with Sweetpickles and chill out.
If you don't like what I post tough shit.
So much for your goody two shoes act there, Bear63114....LOL
Oooooooooo Bear63114, you can't wait to see me at the next meeting? Is that a pick up line? Sorry chicky pie, I'm straight. Thanks but no thanks.
LOL.....you are a trip.
"It's not hard for anyone to see you do these things to feel superior, thats as plain as the nose on your face! It's not working!"
I am superior. It is not simply a feeling. If others acknowledge this fact then I say, "job well done".
No one is in charge of this blog. It is a collective.
I would be offended if I could understand what you are trying to say in your posts.
"I am truly sorry for your predicament, but believe
me or not, you must be a special person for our Higher Power to have placed this person into your life."
I don't know of any predicament I am currently facing but feel free to spread the empathy.
I must be a special person for your higher power to have placed myself into my life. You make no sense.
No need to be sorry for me. I never said you needed to pass any type of IQ test Carol. High IQ is not necessary or sufficient to be genuine. Your explanation for posting under multiple personalities was a lie. Therefore, it was dismissed as a lie.
Yes, it is ridiculous. So stop doing it and I'll stop pointing it out.
I'm sorry. I made a mistake.
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Been a real long time since I posted. After the recall I figured I had given my two cents worth on it and that was enough of my time.
Over the last few weeks I was approached by a COGG member with a well scripted hack job regarding the Mayor's race.
I didn't say anything I just listened. It seemed as if it had been memorized and told many times before. To me the attempt to deceive is the same as a lie. He lost my respect.
It was a very convuluted story I was told "he was Frank Munch's candidate". As if that would impress me.
Why in the hell does Munsch need a horse in this race? Wasn't he run out of town just like Brown?
I also was told Mary Beth Conlan refused to meet with the COGG's attorney who was also Dody and Stuckey's personal attorney.
To me why would she? I'm glad she didn't. Who cares what the COGGS attorney's think about who they want to be the Mayor of Overland? Are those attorneys residents of Overland? No they are not.
If anybody should be ashamed of themselves about splitting this vote up it is the COGG.
For what its worth here is what I think. The COGG and its members are not what they pretend to be.
Citizens of Good Government is a front. COGG is really a political click, a personal group of the old political people who want to take charge of city hall again.
Citizen's of Good Government are basing this Mayors race on settling a score, on personal grudges, and on a person's gender and not on the real issues and who is the most qualified person to be our next Mayor.
Why did the councilman from ward 4 become the chosen one for them? Because they can "control" him that's why.
That sums it up about this race and it says a lot about what the Citizens for Good Government are actually all about
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