Saturday, July 28

MT Schneider Q&A--Empty Questions, Empty Answers

Oh did I get a good laugh today when coming across MT Schneider's website. On there he has a Q&A, with some of the silliest questions I have seen.

Here are some of my random thoughts while reading.

No he didn't!! Question#3 he talks about restoring trash service. This would only be with a “big box” store at Page and Woodson. Never mind the further devastation of “downtown” and that in the same sentence he promised them tax breaks. Tell the people what they want to hear!

He continues patronizing with talks of a skateboard park downtown (Question#7). A few years ago, the battle cry of the ORT was “We want a skateboard park.” Sorry, not buying it gives “the kids something to do” line. It gives the skateboarders something to do, and by far, those kids are not in the majority.
But, that is his solution to “energize downtown”. I guess a skateboard park can be constructed where all the stores used to be after he gives tax breaks to the new “big box stores” at Page and Woodson. I think there is even a ramp already built within Overland Hardware (near the back door)--we're half-way there!

In question number two he talks about a Public Relations Board. Yes, promotional flyers is what will improve Overland’s image. Is he kidding? Or, is he that simple minded?
I have this feeling that this is just another “board” for him to appoint his cronies for political favors in this election.

In Question #6, he plans to be in constant contact with other city council members. 3 or 4 times a day! Wow, I hope that he keeps within Sunshine Law. Well, for that matter nuisance laws if he thinks daily phone calls are needed.

Question #5: I can only think this is included because he wants to throw a bone to dog lovers. I mean, who has ever one any election in Overland without the canine contingent? :)

But, the biggest threat of all is in question #4. He wants to be a full-time mayor!!! He claims he will not be a part-time mayor and says his employer supports this (I can only think to get rid of this blowhard). We don’t need a full-time mayor, especially one without the experience, education or other qualifications. We need the professional management of a city administrator.

And he has the nerve to put "different enough to make a difference" at the top. Sounds like same ol', same ol' to me.

What are your thoughts?


Blogger ORT Contrarian said...

Exactly how will a skateboard park "revitalize downtown"? There really isn't anything down there now where kids would want to spend money (except maybe the QT).

1:01 PM  
Blogger Tea Leaves said...

What is with this Moron, hasn't he research anything. The Skateboard park was pushed by Purzner and Owensby, The City Attorney advised then against entering into such a venture due the liabitiy concerns. The laws concerning liabilty have change indeed since that time and open up the City for more claims. Did you both to see what the cost of insuring the City with a skateboard park.

Free Trash, same song different singer. The Question is IF and when will the City start to see and real benefits.

FULL TIME MAYOR, I don't want a full time mayor, I want a professional strong City Administrator who has spefic training and experience in running a Government. No some guy who sold had a bunch of people selling tupperware for him while he GOVERNED the operation.

If some called me 4 or 5 times a day I would file for a restraining order against him. Council Member work for a living they have to do a 40 hour work week. That's called being a pain in A$$.

Mr. Schneider please come up with an original idea, the Wart Warriers are a rip off the OS's and an existing County Program. Your basically clone anything MBC puts out. You float the Free Trash issue from Purzner, the full time mayor from Ms. Keller.

Your Different Enough to be Dangerous

FYI picture makes it look like you have jaundice.

7:42 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Saw the website and the questions sound totally cornball I suspect they are made up as well as the answers. Before you get the TIF development going Mike, perhaps you should speak with Conlon I'm sure she could explain to you exactly how the financing and abatements actually work and how your numbers to restore free trash are pulled out of your empty hat.

11:12 PM  
Blogger PTT said...

Oh my God, I almost drove off Lackland Rd. upon first glance at Schneiders new signs. I couldn't stop chuckling.

The campaign this summer has introduced me to the candidates. Schneider's campaign makes Pat Paulson seem legitimate. But I think we call all agree on one item: Mike Schneider is not only smitten but deeply in love with Mike Schneider.

Out of all the campaigns I have followed, studied or participated in,I cannot recall one example in which the candidate put his mugshot on a sign, whether billboard or yard. From thirty yards I wasn't sure if it was a campaign sign or an advertisement for Grace Kulp.

There are reasons why candidates do not put their photos on their political signs. Being a successful campaign strategy is not one of the reasons. If the teenagers of Overland have any moxie at all, there better be a mustache up there by Monday morning.

Speaking of stupid media campaign messages, I notice Mike Schneider is touting himself as having "unparalleled negotiating skills".

Unparalleled: Having no equal. Unsurpassed. Superlative. Without equal, rival or parallel.

That is a pretty bold statement really. Nobody on the planet is equal to Mike Schneider's negotiating skills. Nobody, as in no one. OK, that is about as stupid and narcissistic a campaign statement as you'll find.

Assuming that this is factual and that Schneider has unparalleled negotiating skills begs the question, WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN DOING FOR THE LAST YEAR! Hey Kissinger, you mean to tell me that City needed the Civil Courts to settle simple matters such as meeting location and you did NOTHING TO NEGOTIATE AN AGREEMENT. It runs out his ears.

Also, why does the Unparalleled One need to have Beavis Shock represent him in even the most simplest of meetings?

I took a quick glance at Schneider's new campaign planks. Looks like he is trying to add some meat to his otherwise empty campaign. His new policy proposals appears to be drawn from the ORTian buffet of bad ideas.

But the real kicker is that Schneider can't even pander with any sophistication or grounding in reality.

Hey folks in Ward 3, it is not possible philosophically, economically or legally to use tax increment financing to fund general City services such as sanitation or recreational facilities such as pools, skateboard parks or whatever Schneider is pretending to be offering for your vote.

The very nature of TIFF his the City forgoing property taxes and or sales tax revenue to the developer in order to subsidize the cost of building infrastructure necessary for a particular development.

So people, using a TIFF LOWERS revenue to the City not to mention local school districts which is why it is an incentive to developers. Only in Mike "big business" Schneider's world can a city or county provide services without collecting revenue.

But come to think of it, I can now see why he shirks on his property taxes. He is consistent here.

11:35 PM  
Blogger PTT said...

Oh I forgot to add that I do not think it wise in the long or short term to anchor the City's tax base to the ability of Lowes, Costco or Wall-Mart's to peddle inferior Chinese imported goods.

I believe that for the long-run success of the City financially, any government policy should be focused on residential first and retail second. If done correctly, mixed-use developments that include first floor retail with upper-level residential condo/apt. To see successful developments of this nature please visit the surrounding communities of University City, Clayton, Olivette and Creve Coure. To see the current oversupply of retailing space for inferior Chinese imports, please visit Northwest Plaza and ask the management about the difficulty of landing an anchor store such as Lowes, Costco and even Wall Mart.

His development plan is short-sighted and not a stable manner to create a community in which people actually live and don't simply pass through on their way to retailing.

For knowing so much about business, he sure has a funny way of showing it.

11:50 PM  
Blogger Say It Ain't So said...

He will do and say anything to get elected. Typical politician. He cannot be trusted.

6:43 AM  
Blogger Tom said...

Oh my GOD i just saw the MS Sign on Lackland. HEY OVERLAND your city is for sale to the lowest bidder. It looks like a cheap advertisement you see at a bus stop.

I suppose MT wakes up in the morning and says

Mirror Mirror on the wall whose the most conceded, arrogant, pompass candidate of them all?

Why you Old Yellower why you of course.

7:34 AM  
Blogger Tom said...

Overland Sailor your post is profound. Maybe Mrs. Schneider should advise Mr. Schneider that this type of person is not the typ of person you want to be on your CAMPAIGN TEAM. Isn't he a loyalist to Brown?

Overland Sailor said...

For the record (and as a matter of public record) Jay Fetsch had his police credentials pulled permanently for using personal information contained in his motor vehicle citation book to fraudulently submit those people's names as applicants seeking to switch to Sprint long distance services.

His reason for doing this appears to be simple greed as Radio Shack employees at the time received a small commission (which the company called "spiffs") of $10.00 for all applications taken from those wishing to switch to Sprint.

While this is not conclusive evidence that SpyDog is responsible for what has happened here at the OVCC it is reasonable cause for suspicion.

It is also cause of concern for those trying to decide whom to vote for in August.

Councilperson Schneider has chosen to surround himself with and odd lot of people made up of felons, those involved in a host of questionable real estate transactions, and the bulk of Overland's past politicians (most of whom are to blame for a good portion of the trouble the City of Overland is in today).

Councilperson Schneider has been described as a "people person" and of that I have no doubt. The question is: what kind of people?

8:06 AM  
Blogger Tom said...

Schneider is just like Ann he has
ZERO CREDIBILITY. I actually liked Ann's personality.

Remember all the things Ann ORT promised?

Now he is promising the very same things too? Just to get their votes.

Yes Virginia - The Emperor Wannabe Has NO Cloths.

8:11 AM  
Blogger imlaughing said...

I think an emergency meeting needs to be called because of those boogeyman signs going up of MS's that are scaring our children of Overland. Now a sign war is going on. How ridiculous. Signs don't vote, people vote. I like Peggy P. Keller the best of the candidates, with her grass roots campaign. I'm gonna laugh at all of you when she wins this election, she has spent a total of $600 bucks on this campaign, using the same signs she used for councilwoman, now there is a lady that is thrifty and will be with out tax dollars. Go Peg Go.

11:05 AM  
Blogger imlaughing said...

I meant to say our tax dollars. Also, I think the thief, Cuminnalle needs to resign from her position, she doesn't even drive, how can she help the good residents of our Ward 1. She was caught stealing signs of Schneiders, he will prosecute after the election, you watch and see. SHAME SHAME SHAME on you, you crazy old person. Although personally I like Conlon, she needs to rid herself of people who steal, I cannot vote for someone who has a main supporter that is a thief.

11:21 AM  
Blogger suzyjax said...

If Keller were to win, it would be a miracle. A very impressive miracle, with the little campaigning she is doing. I know of noone's house she has visited and she didn't have an ad in the latest Localite (an inexpensive way to reach every household in Overland).
I would love to know why is she only spending $600. Is she not taking contributions? Not getting any? It is surely a stark comparison to MT Schneider's campaign contributions--some of which may have to be returned.

12:12 PM  
Blogger John Moyle said...

Though what she did was wrong it was certainly not "Stealing". She took them down, but she did not take them anywhere. Since she left them there, obviously no theft was involved. Also FYI, Councilperson Schneider would have no standing in the eyes of the Court to prosecute on this matter even if a theft had occurred.

As for her ownership of a car, I fail to see how that disqualifies her from representing ward one. If the ability to legally drive is a requirement for office that Councilperson Keller should never have run as well.

Hey Fishing person, thanks for reposting my comment here. I didn't realize I posted it on an older topic last night. It must be the combination of age and parenthood that is damaging my brain to the point of making such mistakes. :-)

12:12 PM  
Blogger suzyjax said...

Oh, one more thing for Imlaughin.

Why does driving have to do with servicing the ward? Ward 1 is fairly compact and certainly walkable. And it wouldn't hurt us (especially talking to myself here) if we would walk such short distances when a visit is necessary.

12:13 PM  
Blogger PTT said...

I think Schneider simply wanted to make perfectly clear which candidate is the only male on the ballot. Not only do Schneider's male supporters have an "issue" with women holding office but his female supporters also have jones for a woman mayor.

Isn't that quaint. If truth be told, Schneider's camp probably laments the 19th amendment.

4:31 PM  
Blogger PTT said...

At it again eh Fetch. You are quite a piece

4:33 PM  
Blogger Tom said...

Funny how Man - About - Town is trying to act like he is someone else. Truth be known to the police chief Man About Town is none other than Ftech the man helping Mr. Schneider.

Mike ditch this loser.

6:00 PM  
Blogger PTT said...

I anyone gets a chance to speak with Schneider or Phil Paul would you please explain to them the proper way in which the American flag is to display. I don't think you need to be a boy scout to know that the flag should never touch the ground. It is especially disrespectful for the flags to always be touching the ground.

I have also learned that Mike Schneider and the COGG are pricing granite blocks. They plan to replace the "Welcome to Overland" signs with anatomically correct statues of Mike Schneider astride a riding horse with sword in air, "Welcome to Scheiderland".

12:37 PM  
Blogger suzyjax said...

Actually the signs will read

"Welcome to Scheiderland

Home of the Ward Warriors--State Champs 2008"

5:46 PM  

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