Friday, October 20

The Mayor's Next Tactic to Fill the Ward 3 Seat?

An interesting story about Wellston's woes appears in the Post. In that city, the mayor just tried to strong-arm in his aldermanic appointment, even though that appointment had just been voted down by the majority of the board.

I can't decide who is stealing from whom on this one?


Blogger New Girl in Town said...

Perhaps Mayor McNeil is getting "bad advice" from Dougy Boy Rudman too. After all ORTarians claim Purzner's foolish actions are because of "bad advice"...cough cough

Another case of Dumb and Dumber!

11:24 AM  
Blogger New Girl in Town said...

Hee Hee.....I loved the, in your face tactic, UNINCORPORATEDMAN pulled down at city hall. Right on UNINCORPRATEDMAN !!! Let your voice be heard :-)

11:29 AM  
Blogger New Girl in Town said...

Speaking of Dumber....Purzner the lying RN , has updated her Dot CON website spewing more propaganda!!

I forgot to mention, last Saturday and Sunday I was in St. James and Salem MO area. My boyfriend and I happened upon a rumage sale, the people having the sale asked me where we were from, I said Overland. Their response was "that place with the crazy Mayor always getting in trouble?"
I had to laugh, even out in the countryside, people hear about Purzner the lying RN.

11:56 AM  
Blogger onelayer said...

Ellen G. White,

You said this Doug Barr can not read or know what all this bulk mail is being sent out with all that he does, well doesn't he live in Overland and read his OWN mail that he gets, that he mailed out. And considering this is the same number that has been being used since what last March. Sorry Ellen.

12:59 PM  
Blogger onelayer said...

Hey Dill Dip,

Looks like the boxes Owensby & Purzner were seen carrying had nothing to do with a garage sale. Looks more like a folding party, hope you didn't get to many paper cuts.

1:14 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


Have you ever seen him at the Curve Inn? Just curious.

2:25 PM  
Blogger onelayer said...

Ellen G. White,

No sense getting so hot under the collar if he's not that close of a friend. You're the one that first defended him, know he's an unethical jerk.

I just can't figure out someone that has lived in Overland for at least 14 to 15 years, which meant he was here in the Munsch, Brown & Karam days. Admitted in the paper that a 3rd party contacted him, but won't say unless a judge orders him to. And doesn't read the crap he mails out.

3:53 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The Riverfront Times 7/5/2006 had an article about Pine Lawn: "The Little City That Couldn't". The mayor there has made some interesting appointments.
What a great pair of towns to compare with the Overland.

6:20 PM  
Blogger suzyjax said...

OJ: I think the Wellston and Pine Lawn mayor's are jealous of Ann's annointment as Mayor of the Year by the RFT

2:42 PM  
Blogger onelayer said...


If it's not the mayors permit number then whose is it?

Who wrote the letter?

Why didn't they put a name on it?

Why can't anyone find Primewatch?

Why does the mayors' website still list colleges she attended?

Why did the mayor produce a fake diploma?

Why won't the mayor say what her supposed free trash includes?

Why did a 3rd party have to contact Economical?

Why won't Owensby prove he has a degree in teaching?

Why did they say there were hundreds at the Com. Ctr. to feed when they were only 24?

Why did they say she cooked all day when TV dinners were served?

Why did the mayor she say "I'm no leader"?

Why does the mayor say "streets can't be repaired until the budget is passed" when street repair is under Capital Improvements that has already been passed?

Why does Knode & the mayor always compare us to Berkeley?

Why won't Knode or the mayor say where they came up with the figures for reducing salaries?

Why, why, why, why, why.

You know so much please enlighten us.

3:29 AM  
Blogger onelayer said...


If it's not the mayors permit number then whose is it?

Who wrote the letter?

Why didn't they put a name on it?

Why can't anyone find Primewatch?

Why does the mayors' website still list colleges she attended?

Why did the mayor produce a fake diploma?

Why won't the mayor say what her supposed free trash includes?

Why did a 3rd party have to contact Economical?

Why won't Owensby prove he has a degree in teaching?

Why did they say there were hundreds at the Com. Ctr. to feed when they were only 24?

Why did they say she cooked all day when TV dinners were served?

Why did the mayor she say "I'm no leader"?

Why does the mayor say "streets can't be repaired until the budget is passed" when street repair is under Capital Improvements that has already been passed?

Why does Knode & the mayor always compare us to Berkeley?

Why won't Knode or the mayor say where they came up with the figures for reducing salaries?

Why, why, why, why, why.

You know so much please enlighten us.

3:29 AM  
Blogger onelayer said...


If it's not the mayors permit number then whose is it?

Who wrote the letter?

Why didn't they put a name on it?

Why can't anyone find Primewatch?

Why does the mayors' website still list colleges she attended?

Why did the mayor produce a fake diploma?

Why won't the mayor say what her supposed free trash includes?

Why did a 3rd party have to contact Economical?

Why won't Owensby prove he has a degree in teaching?

Why did they say there were hundreds at the Com. Ctr. to feed when they were only 24?

Why did they say she cooked all day when TV dinners were served?

Why did the mayor she say "I'm no leader"?

Why does the mayor say "streets can't be repaired until the budget is passed" when street repair is under Capital Improvements that has already been passed?

Why does Knode & the mayor always compare us to Berkeley?

Why won't Knode or the mayor say where they came up with the figures for reducing salaries?

Why, why, why, why, why.

You know so much please enlighten us.

3:29 AM  
Blogger onelayer said...


My computer is acting up, it acted like is didn't except the login.

3:35 AM  
Blogger New Girl in Town said...

Sourpickle is such a big Cardinal fan (rolls eyes), yet she can't even spell the name of one of their star players, PUJOLS. Sourpickle....the name is ALBERT PUJOLS, not Puhols!

Maybe she has poo-holes on her mind from doing ass to chair counts!

5:37 AM  
Blogger onelayer said...


You must have gotten hit over the head with a bat the other night.

6:17 AM  
Blogger Nazrudin said...

I'm not inclined to give excessive or undue credit, when there are other possibilities.

Is a firm "on the take" for saying it doesn't know what's in a mailer? Not necessarily. Often the head of a large business doesn't read all of the firms orders. That's not the case at hand, I believe.

Suppose now that the firm involved is a one-person entity. More likely a small firm is on a first name basis with over eighty percent of his clientelle.

Let's surmise that this firm knows or has a reasonably good idea of who sent the material. Had this firm handled a large amount of confidential mailings from intermediaries, then any workers might be entirely unconcerned about anything inside plain brown wrappers.

I don't buy that: most of what the USPS delivers in bulk is designed to grab a viewer's attention lest it be tossed out in a heartbeat. Unless such a firm routinely handled XXX-rated clients, very little would be bland or ignorable.

For all we know, this firm has been convinced that if it keeps a low profile, doesn't ask questions, and just does what he's told, he and his family might enjoy a long, quiet life.

Is such a firm compromised? Perhaps. Is it having its arm twisted? In a matter of speaking, maybe. Embarrassed? Perhaps a little, perhaps shamed far beyond its ability to handle it.
Is it stupid? Evil & Corrupt? Depends on how often it pulls such a stunt.

Why are we so ready to trash the messenger, when ORT is causing all of us this much grief?

Were I in that firms place, I'd hope for classier clients.

3:16 PM  
Blogger onelayer said...


I was going to ask Sweety this, but were you dropped on your head as child?


Still waiting for a response, oops sorry you still busy folding?

Well I have another, the mayor has said she will set down/resign if there is a recall. Can we bank on that or will she forgot saying it?

And one more I've been looking for the address & phone numbers to Crooks Corporation & Liars Inc., would happen to have those handy.

5:13 PM  
Blogger onelayer said...


I did read the post article & Sailors.

The mans been doing business & living in Overland for what 15 or more years. Small business owner/family run just trying to make a living.

I found it interesting when Sailor said Carr said he had no political interest in Overland. And contacted his lawyer.

One, I would think he would already know he doesn't have to give out client info, without contacting his lawyer first.
Then admitted the bulk permit number was his.

Two, he not only lives here but has a business here and possibly raised his family here and he isn't interest in Overland politics.

So with everything going on for the past 6 mths with the mayor & council that could directly effect not only his business but his community & property values, and he has not interest.

Oh, but then again, for the past 6 to 8 mths the ORT has thrown so much business his way why would he want to screw-up a good thing.

4:47 AM  
Blogger New Girl in Town said...

We could only hope it would :-)

8:24 AM  
Blogger John Moyle said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

12:33 PM  
Blogger John Moyle said...

After looking into this issue extensively I have found no evidence to suggest that Mr. Carr is anything but a nice small businessman trying to earn a living.

I have no reason to suspect him of anything unethical and believe him to be nothing more then someone with a successful small business who's only concern at this point is how the various assumptions about him might negatively impact his company.

I covered this issue in greater detail at Overland Speaks Out in a comment addressing my original article which can be found here.

For the record, should I have any need for bulk mailing services in the future, I feel completely comfortable using EconomicalMail Inc. Unless some actual evidence of wrong-doing is presented I see no reason not to, especially since I prefer to spend my money locally.

12:35 PM  
Blogger onelayer said...


You were the one that called him unethical not me.

And yes I do believe what is going on at city hall does have an impact on not only the residents property values and business as well.

You were the one going back and forth.

3:35 PM  
Blogger Nazrudin said...

Channel 4 just reported on the recall effort and the mayor's response. The COGG has already collected 2000 signatures - in only 9 days.

The mayor was shown on TV trying to suppress the comments of the first speaker. Another speaker alleged that ken owensby was following voluteer canvassers in the recall effort. Stalking? She also alleged that owensby went to doors on which flyers were left and removed the recall flyers!
Owensby: "Prove it!" Speaker:"Photo Scrapbook!"

A Ward 3 speaker was ALMOST appointed to the open council seat. TRUE! Watch channel 18 Thursday at 10pm!!!

The insurance firm backing Overland was represented by its attorney this evening. He simply introduced himself and explained the event he needs to discuss: the upcoming court appearance on November 20, over Dody et al v. Purzner et al. The Mayor's Sunshine Law violations are the subject of that lawsuit.

That Mr. Carr still maintains his voting address in Overland, and resides elsewhere, is no surprise. The Missouri Ethics Board apparently doesn't have a problem with that. Seems there is no law being violated, and it is not an unusual or isolated event.

8:53 PM  
Blogger John Moyle said...

Thank you for bringing the issue of voter registration and residency up, it is definitely worth looking into.

Still I've seen nothing to suggest that this person is anything but a businessman seeking to earn a living, but I will be working on the registration / voting / residency issue tomorrow afternoon. Perhaps something will come from that, perhaps not.

My concern is that this person could very well be just a local businessman in Overland who takes money for ORT mailings (as well a a host of other mailings) because that is what business people do, take money for services performed or products sold.

I am not willing to assume the gentleman is guilty by mere association alone (undefined association at that). Doing so to any business is bad for Overland IMHO. Would you want to do business here if you learned that you could become the target of such a campaign?

As a side note, I am happily surprised to see all these bloggers who have signed up in the month of October. I would gladly assist any of you who have yet to get a blog going. Starting one can be a daunting task, but it is easier if you have someone who has done afew already to ask questions of. I'm no expert, but I am confident I could help someone get started.

Back to the issue, the fact that this gentleman possibly remains a registered voter here and may have voted in the last election is definitely worth investigating. However, on its own it does not suggest that he is anything but a local businessman.

I prefer the time honored approach of innocent until proven guilty myself. I am still waiting to see the proof.

8:53 PM  
Blogger onelayer said...

After seeing the interview with Purner last night on 4, if this doesn't make you go running to KC to sign the recall nothing will. She has given some bad interviews before but the giggling took the cake. The woman is an idiot (one of her words) what person in their right mind would stand there and giggle & be happy this kind of trash went out, like a 3 year old.

4:25 AM  
Blogger New Girl in Town said...

I missed that interview on 4 last night. I tried looking on the KMOV website for it, but they don't seem to have it posted....sigh. So Purzner the lying RN laughed about the mail fraud that went out? Purzner can't even formulate a full sentense when speaking, I guess all she can do is giggle. Purzner should look into a basket weaving diploma.

5:42 AM  
Blogger New Girl in Town said...

I applaud Mr. Herman last night. He was trying to speak and ask why his bill has not been paid; Owensby kept on squawking in Herman’s ear, the infamous “you’re out of order” over and over again. Finally Herman had enough of the screeching, looked down at Owensby and said “MR. OWENSBY, YOU ARE A FOOL”!!

6:06 AM  
Blogger onelayer said...

New Girl,

Channel 4 showed it again this morning, sorry you missed it. You might be able to catch it again I think around 11 or noon.

You would have loved it.

When asked about the flier, she said something like she didn't have anything to do with it but was glad it went out. He asked why, that's when she started giggling, because it might help me not get recalled. Thought I would spit out my party mix. It was the giggling that got me. Oh, and the lighting on her was priceless.

I was speechless.

6:09 AM  
Blogger onelayer said...


After reading the blogs this morning, can you believe what the are saying about Carr, I'm shocked aren't you. I don't believe it.

To think he possibly lied to Overland about not being interested in Overland politics, yet a Purzner sign in the yard. And possibly doesn't even reside here, oh my goodness.

He's just trying to make an HONEST buck & a family man to boot. mmmmm

Just call me Froggy, I'll keep on jumping.

Oh, did you go to the meeting? If Owensby can vote one way then change his mind, I guess the residents of Overland can too.

6:14 AM  
Blogger onelayer said...


You have nothing to be sorry for. If you believed in the guy you shoud have kept on defending him.

Again, it was you that said he was unethical.

I am NOT the one that said he had a sign in his yard or that he doesn't live in Overland but possibly voted here.

I merely said I found it interesting he doesn't read his mail that he sends out, but that was when they said he lived here.
But I also find it interesting that after what has gone on with the mayor over the past six months that anyone would still endorse her. You do not have to agree with me nor do I expect you to or anyone else.

And no I do not agree with Overland Sailor about having a business here but trying stay out of the local politics. What goes on at any city hall does effect what goes on in the business & community world of any area.

And as far as Knode buying a hammer at Wesche', I would imagine he bought it to shut up his filthy mouth wife. Didn't you notice that she wasn't there last night. Of course there have been 2 complaints turned into the police department about her mouth. Or did you miss what she did at the budget meeting the other night.

2:18 PM  

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