What's the difference between Conlon's Mayoral run and Keller's given their recent successful campaigns for the Council?
One keen difference between Conlon and Keller is that Conlon has always said she would run for Mayor again and never represented otherwise. Conlon voters wanted her to win the council seat held by ORT Representative Tom Sellers and new she would run for Mayor again at first opportunity.
Keller, under the other hand, constantly railed against Purzner's opposition on the Council for not filling the empty Wort 3 seat vacated by Purzner. Two months later she files to run for Mayor thus opening the possibility of another empty Wort 3 seat.
Again, what has changed for Ms. Keller?
PS: Yowza, yowza, yowza, FineSwine poking fun at someones' Saint Hood mistake. This dingbat can barely string a coherent sentence together and makes more grade school grammatical errors than any poster in Virtual Overland. Just God awful stupid, what else can you say about her. And the community was to rely on her for Civil Defense. Good grief, what planet are we on?
Isn't there a certain Freudian irony in FINEWINE, self-exposed racist, pointing out the Saint Hood mistake. I bet all of FINEWINE's favorite Saints wear white hoods.