The only issue to me and others at the OVCC is to see that Ann Purzner, Dicky Kmode, Snoozin Tom Sellers and Coach Kenny Blowensme's political careers are brought to an end.
We don't like them. They are obstructionist liars that have not been able to accomplish anything during their terms in office. Their dismal performance is the one and only reason for me to participate in aiding their removal.
What happened prior to 2006 is of no concern to me. I don't give a rat's arse what Frank Munch or Bob Dody did while in office. Completely irrelevant to the issues facing our current representatives. Whatever old score you are trying to settle with your lies, bullshit and half-truths is of NO CONCERN. The future is now, and I am interested in seeing the above mentioned leaders and their lying supporters not be part of it.
Why am I interested in you Fine Whining Goat?
Simple. You are Ann Purzner, Dicky Kmode, Snoozin Tom Sellers and Coach Kenny Blowensme's most active OverlandChat LIAR; as in one who tells lies and posts these lies on the OverlandChat. You do so most disingenuously through the use of three or four different "handles". When one of your characters gets their ass handed to them by someone pointing-out your obvious LIES, you create another name. One thing is consistent through all of your characters though, that is of course the LYING.
I do not need to know anything much more about these people. I have directly witnessed their inability to cooperate on a professional or personal level with anyone attempting to move the issues forward. During 2006, I directly witnessed every one of their attempts to circumvent the rightful authority of the OPD, the BoA, the City Attorney, the County Board of Elections, St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney, St. Louis County Circuit Courts and ultimately the citizens of Overland. For your efforts; nothing but contempt from all who attempt to work with you.
You had your chance. You failed. You gotta go.
What's that Goat? Are you reaching into your bag of innuendo to argue that it is the members of the majority opposition that is preventing the Mayor and her ORT supporters (MORT) from getting their work done? Or are you going to the "previous administration" card siting some issue from a by gone day? No need to flounder through that sack of sugar. Here are a few thoughts on a very simple calculus.
(You with me, Goat? Pay attention, more big words approaching.)
A majority of votes on the city counsel is required to effect policy. A majority defined as more than half of the votes. MORT never had a majority of votes therefore everything they have done has been in the hopes of circumventing this most basic dynamic of our democratic institutions.
At no time did any of these aforementioned leaders make a serious attempt at breaking the majority opposition by turning at least one opposition member and thus creating a coalition government. Traditionally this is done through compromise, bargaining and consensus building among the elected. Why MORT failed to make this most simple, basic and fundamental parliamentary maneuvers is unknown. I don't care about your reasons, everybody has reasons. You failed. You are unable to govern the City. You must be fired.
Presidents Reagan, Clinton, Nixon, Ford and Bush all faced majority opposition within Congress. Yet all of these men found the ability to compromise and build consensus over some of the most pressing and contentious issues facing the Country. In the end they may not have achieved all of their policy goals, but they did manage to find common ground in order to govern. And for that, they are thought of as being good if not great leaders.
MORT has shown they are absolutely incapable of managing or effecting this type of process. They do know how to throw fits, lie and ineffectually attempt to manipulate. Govern according to the letter as well as the spirit of our local democratic institutions; not part of MORT's political toolbox. Again, You tried. You lied. You Failed. You gotta go.
As far as my financial were-with-all, I appreciate your hatred. I don't make wagers that I think I will lose. I am quite risk adverse as a person and completely appreciate the existence of "black swans". Quite coincidentally and a bit ironic, among those that know me, have come to know that yesterday was an extremely lucrative day in my life. The FICA tax alone is enough to choke a horse. I don't bitch about paying the taxes even if they will be more than my total income for the past four years, America is one hell of a bargain! I don't mind sharing with Uncle Sugar. And sorry Goat, my scratch isn't coming from Scratchers or by foolishly tossing a dollar for the right to choose six numbers, it was from working.
I put my money where my mouth is Goat, but as usual you appear to be more interested in putting your mouth where my money is. I am available for dinner at the Eat Right with plenty of Cash to Deliver. Bring your two friends with you and earn a cool three large; if you can manage to also bring Charley with you I will throw in another $500.00.
Get ready for the trouncing. This has been worth the wait.
Doogie will now be facing the St. Louis County Board of Election Commissioners. No more battle of the bottom feeders with Doogie versus Beavis. He will now face off against Steve Garrett. Steve hails from the firm of Curtis, Heinz and O'Keefe, arguably the best municipal lawyers in the city. They represent and prosecute for cities too numerous to mention in this post.
Con: What does that mean Doug?
Doogie (glassy eyed and confused): I think this means we lost but I'll have to ask my brother..... or maybe one of my brother's friends.